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  • Hearthbuddy plugin development?

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by boomer00oo, Nov 25, 2015.

    1. boomer00oo

      boomer00oo New Member

      Apr 9, 2015
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      This post is dedicated to plugin development in Heartbuddy since I myself haven't seen any plugins in the forums. I have tried searching around.
      There are the 3 default plugins that come with the bot: Stats, AutoStop and Quest but those are just the bare basics. I was wondering if it's possible for people to develop other type of plugins.
      I can understand there isn't much flexibility with a game like Hearthstone but there are small things that would be nice to be done with plugins that the origina developers might not want to spend time on because they want to keep the bot working well.

      I have a few plugin ideas that would be nice to have:
      Emote- Just a simple plugin that will emote for you to make it seem like you are not a bot. For example when you have a lethal and the bot detects it you would emote Well played (or could choose your own out of the 6 options). Then also when the enemy uses an emote you can choose out of the 6 options what the bot would reply.
      DeckStats- A plugin that would track the statistics of every deck. It would keep a log of the different decks you use and you can see how many wins/losses/draws you have with each deck. The already existing Stats plugin but a bit more in depth. Maybe also be able to see your stats for each class as well. Maybe even go as far as showing the stats against what classes you play so this custom Shaman deck I have how many times it has won/lost/drawn against a Priet/Mage etc.
      GoldCount- A plugin that would count the amount of gold you have gotten in total over the time the bot has run. It would show how much you have gotten from Wins, Quests and Arena rewards.

      I am sure that there are other ideas that other people can think of, but these are just the basics.
      J3M likes this.
    2. Lazy cat

      Lazy cat Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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      Did you mean 1, 2 and 3?
      I understand that there is much more information than a "just statistics", but you have the opportunity to find out the root cause of victory or defeat.
    3. boomer00oo

      boomer00oo New Member

      Apr 9, 2015
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      These look great. I will start using hearthlogger for sure. I would also like to use the HSB Smart Emoticons, but I cannot see a download link? Am I missing something or is there not one yet.
    4. Lazy cat

      Lazy cat Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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      Expanded use of emotions has been disabled to improve the bot stability.
      Last edited: Nov 26, 2015

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