I just got the 1 euro tryout today, and gonna buy the full version tomorrow once this runs out Gotta say awesome job. Was botting abit back when glider existed(ppather etc) and then lazybot and then pirox. The current state that HB is in just beats them all on so many points for a normal user like me, the simplicity is awesome. What i need help with, is finding a way to turn off looting completely. Now i do have lootfilter and i did see there was some kind of plugin that did the same as lootfilter, but its the timewaste that i wanna get rid of. Nowhere in the HB settings can i find, neither have ive been able to find it through searching the forums. I dont know, but after searching ive gotten the impression that HB has gone through some major revamping lately since the results ive had hasnt really been up 2 date. Hope someone can help me Regards
I dont seem to have that option, if it had been that easy i would had found it. Im pressuming its something else then, should have latest version and i should be in the right "exe" file for this - also the profile im trying to run is the http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...03-lovely-charm-farm-icc-dk-insta-spawns.html (ICInstaSpawnArgentVanguardRepair.xml ) The problem with me doing looting isnt only the time invested in it, but it also instant interrupts my Soul Harvest. He starts channeling it at 50% hp, then he just instant loots and interrupts. Would be extremely grateful if you could shed some light on my problem, or could guess why im not being able to reach the same options as you are. Does it have to do with my 1 euro session? Would prefer to buy the lifetime tomorrow, but in order to get a night of grinding i might just buy it now if it changes anything. Regards
Awesome, too bad the guide wasnt ready today Honorbuddy: Launching Honorbuddy - Buddy Wiki Thanks both