Hi , could some one explain why i cant use honorbuddy more that for 2 weeks now. nothing was changed in my two computers nothing, hb was working perfectly on both, then after update to HB3 it stoped working. Now not even HB2 works, nothing is working, my attached log files and fresh installs does not help... i bought 2 keys to do some botting and now i get middle finger for 2 weeks, and not even a clear explanation or descent help. is this how it works in this company? Like really guys, were is my Refund Button?
unless you open your own thread (i am talking about the post you made earlier) and you dont upload your log file on your own thread you wont get any help as for your refund button,if you meet the requirements (within 7 days from purchase date) we will be happy to refund you if you send the request via email to our support desk support@thebuddyforum.com