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  • Help get SweetFx to work with Honorbuddy.

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by azidtrip, Sep 30, 2013.

    1. azidtrip

      azidtrip Member

      Mar 3, 2012
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      First I want to apologize my somewhat angry behaviour in support. CG is right, support is for support. However, I never got any answers and understand that as I asked in wrong forum and therefore asking here. So.., lately we had major changes in Wow with the result in changes also for HB. What happened is that (apperantly) greymagic-dll gets interfered by d3d9.dll used by SweetFx. What I am asking about is if there is any way to run sweetfx files outside wowfolder and still get them injected?. Would really like to get a solution for this. I ain't keeping my hopes up, but nice if someone with knowhows would take a look at it. To those saying just leave it and blabla, do not bother answer. I want to discuss with others that want sweetfx back or are willing to help. Other solutions as well as other ways to tweak the game graphics are welcome too. Keep nonsense out of thread. ;)

      Wow presets (by both myself and others) World of Warcraft

      Close thread. Support have been added in 2.5 r8179 Build 697.

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