Ok, so my main is a lvl 80 Tauren Hunter but I started hating my tauren after several years and Im thinking about swapping races. I love to play PvE (downed Lich King 2 weeks ago) and I rock in PvP (2k+ Rating) so my serious problem is that I cant decide between: - bloodelf (which would be a lot better for PvP ofc) - troll (better for pve ofc) [Edit: Damn ugly -.-] I wanted to toss a coin but since there are so many guys around who have a lot of spare time since they dont play wow by hand anymore I just thought you might help me =) P.S. No I dont want to wait for Goblin/Ud hunter and I really hate Orcs xD
Troll all the way man! Berserking : Activate to increase attack and casting speed by 20% for 10 seconds. 3 minute cooldown. Regeneration : Increase health regeneration bonus by 10%. Also allows 10% of normal health regen during combat. Beast Slaying : 5% damage bonus when fighting against Beasts. Throwing Specialization : Increases chance to critically hit with Throwing Weapon by 1%. Bow Specialization : Increase Bow critical strike chance by 1%. Da Voodoo Shuffle : Reduces the duration of all movement impairing effects by 15%. Trolls be flippin' out mon! PLUS trolls look way cooler then poofta BE's
If you love PvE there is only one choice and thats Orc. But seeing as you hate orcs I guess you have to pick the second best race (still way behind orc) and thats the Troll. Edit: If you love PvE and downed LK 2 weeks ago, I humbly suggest you pick a new guild for Cata.
I love BEs, but as a hunter the AoE silence that BEs get is absolutely useless. Troll has much more to offer for ranged.
My hunter dinged 80 4 weeks ago so I guess thats ok And why the fuk is Orc better than Troll in PvE? (Isnt Bow + Troll Racial better than Pet Dmg + Minitrinket?)
MODEL EDIT! The only way, and you don?t loose your awesome stun for PvP PM me with your race, female or male and which race you want to be and female or male