Running Hearthbuddy on Windows 10 Hearthbuddy loads up fine soon as it does thoguh Hearthstone Crashes and doesnt respond. Reintstalled both programs and tried torubleshooting compatability. HELP PLEASE
LOG BELOW 2016-09-01 16:45:06,435 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Hearthbuddy Version: 0.3.1270.304 Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Hearthstone\<ExeName> OS Name: Microsoft Windows 10 Home OS Version: 10.0.10586 OS Architecture: 64-bit InstalledUICulture: en-GB [English (United Kingdom)] CurrentUICulture: en-GB [English (United Kingdom)] CurrentCulture: en-GB [English (United Kingdom)] 2016-09-01 16:45:06,526 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Now setting up JitProfiles... 2016-09-01 16:45:06,529 [1] INFO Logger (null) - JitProfiles successfully setup! 2016-09-01 16:45:06,529 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Now beginning pre-start tasks. 2016-09-01 16:45:06,530 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Now checking prerequisites... 2016-09-01 16:45:06,818 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Prerequisite check complete! 2016-09-01 16:45:06,837 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Pre-start tasks successfully completed. 2016-09-01 16:45:08,844 [1] INFO Logger (null) - [BotManager] MsBetweenTicks = 15 2016-09-01 16:45:09,015 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Hearthbuddy [0.3.1270.304] is up to date! 2016-09-01 16:45:09,487 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Region: eu 2016-09-01 16:45:09,488 [1] INFO Logger (null) - T: 5247769469518996068 H: 2134280008 2016-09-01 16:47:07,457 [12] INFO Logger (null) - Hearthstone client version (13921, 253071) 2016-09-01 16:47:07,501 [12] DEBUG AssemblyLoader`1 (null) - Reloading AssemblyLoader<Triton.Bot.IBot> - Initializing 2016-09-01 16:47:07,946 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] ClientBroken = False. 2016-09-01 16:47:07,947 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] NeedsToCacheCustomDecks = False. 2016-09-01 16:47:07,948 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] NeedsToCacheQuests = True. 2016-09-01 16:47:07,948 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] ArenaDontOpenRewards = False. 2016-09-01 16:47:07,949 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] ArenaDontDraft = False. 2016-09-01 16:47:07,950 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] AutoConcedeMinDelayMs = 15000. 2016-09-01 16:47:07,953 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] AutoConcedeMaxDelayMs = 30000. 2016-09-01 16:47:07,955 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] SpectateRandomFriend = True. 2016-09-01 16:47:07,956 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] SpectateAllowedName = . 2016-09-01 16:47:07,957 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] HideInactiveGameMode = True. 2016-09-01 16:47:07,957 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] AutoConcedeAfterConstructedWin = False. 2016-09-01 16:47:07,958 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] AutoConcedeNextConstructedGame = False. 2016-09-01 16:47:07,959 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] RoutineMustDraftArena = True. 2016-09-01 16:47:07,960 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedMode = Casual. 2016-09-01 16:47:07,961 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedCustomDeck = . 2016-09-01 16:47:07,966 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] AutoGreet = True. 2016-09-01 16:47:07,968 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] GameMode = Practice. 2016-09-01 16:47:07,969 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedGameRule = Auto. 2016-09-01 16:47:07,970 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] PracticeDifficulty = Normal. 2016-09-01 16:47:07,972 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] PracticeOpponentClass = HUNTER. 2016-09-01 16:47:07,973 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] PracticeCustomDeck = . 2016-09-01 16:47:07,973 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] FriendlyCustomDeck = . 2016-09-01 16:47:07,974 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] FriendlyAllowedName = . 2016-09-01 16:47:07,975 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] NeedsToCacheQuests = True. 2016-09-01 16:47:07,976 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultBotSettings] NeedsToCacheCustomDecks = True. 2016-09-01 16:47:08,132 [12] DEBUG AssemblyLoader`1 (null) - Reloading AssemblyLoader<Triton.Bot.IRoutine> - Initializing 2016-09-01 16:47:08,136 [1] DEBUG Logger (null) - Current bot set to DefaultBot. 2016-09-01 16:47:13,759 [12] INFO Logger (null) - init Silverfish 2016-09-01 16:47:13,822 [12] INFO Logger (null) - read carddb.txt 39375 lines 2016-09-01 16:47:14,069 [12] INFO Logger (null) - CardList:2079 2016-09-01 16:47:14,231 [12] INFO Logger (null) - cant find _combo.txt (if you dont created your own combos, ignore this message) 2016-09-01 16:47:14,234 [12] INFO Logger (null) - cant find _mulligan.txt (if you dont created your own mulliganfile, ignore this message) 2016-09-01 16:47:14,237 [12] INFO Logger (null) - set enemy-face-hp to: 15 2016-09-01 16:47:14,255 [12] INFO Logger (null) - set maxwide to: 3000 2016-09-01 16:47:14,256 [12] INFO Logger (null) - calculate the second turn of the 0 best boards 2016-09-01 16:47:14,256 [12] INFO Logger (null) - playing arround secrets is True 2016-09-01 16:47:14,257 [12] INFO Logger (null) - current alpha is 0.5 2016-09-01 16:47:14,257 [12] INFO Logger (null) - ---------------------------- 2016-09-01 16:47:14,258 [12] INFO Logger (null) - you are running uai V117.112 2016-09-01 16:47:14,258 [12] INFO Logger (null) - ---------------------------- 2016-09-01 16:47:14,393 [12] INFO Logger (null) - set enemy-face-hp to: 15 2016-09-01 16:47:14,394 [12] INFO Logger (null) - set maxwide to: 3000 2016-09-01 16:47:14,394 [12] INFO Logger (null) - calculate the second turn of the 0 best boards 2016-09-01 16:47:14,394 [12] INFO Logger (null) - playing arround secrets is True 2016-09-01 16:47:14,395 [12] INFO Logger (null) - current alpha is 0.5 2016-09-01 16:47:14,395 [12] INFO Logger (null) - ---------------------------- 2016-09-01 16:47:14,395 [12] INFO Logger (null) - you are running uai V117.112 2016-09-01 16:47:14,395 [12] INFO Logger (null) - ---------------------------- 2016-09-01 16:47:14,400 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass1 = HUNTER. 2016-09-01 16:47:14,402 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass2 = WARLOCK. 2016-09-01 16:47:14,404 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass3 = PRIEST. 2016-09-01 16:47:14,405 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass4 = ROGUE. 2016-09-01 16:47:14,406 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass5 = WARRIOR. 2016-09-01 16:47:14,408 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [DefaultRoutineSettings] DefaultBehavior = Control. 2016-09-01 16:47:15,312 [12] DEBUG AssemblyLoader`1 (null) - Reloading AssemblyLoader<Triton.Bot.IPlugin> - Initializing 2016-09-01 16:47:15,313 [1] DEBUG Logger (null) - Current routine set to DefaultRoutine. 2016-09-01 16:47:17,831 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [AutoStopSettings] StopAtRank = False. 2016-09-01 16:47:17,833 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [AutoStopSettings] RankToStopAt = 20. 2016-09-01 16:47:17,835 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [AutoStopSettings] StopGameCount = 1. 2016-09-01 16:47:17,836 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [AutoStopSettings] StopWinCount = 1. 2016-09-01 16:47:17,837 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [AutoStopSettings] StopLossCount = 1. 2016-09-01 16:47:17,838 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [AutoStopSettings] StopConcedeCount = 1. 2016-09-01 16:47:17,840 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [AutoStopSettings] StopAfterXGames = False. 2016-09-01 16:47:17,840 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [AutoStopSettings] StopAfterXWins = False. 2016-09-01 16:47:17,841 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [AutoStopSettings] StopAfterXLosses = False. 2016-09-01 16:47:17,841 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [AutoStopSettings] StopAfterXConcedes = False. 2016-09-01 16:47:17,842 [12] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AutoStop] Initialize 2016-09-01 16:47:17,848 [12] INFO Logger (null) - [QuestSettings] StopAfterAllQuestsAreDone = True. 2016-09-01 16:47:17,853 [12] DEBUG Logger (null) - [Quest] Initialize 2016-09-01 16:47:17,854 [12] DEBUG Logger (null) - [Stats] Initialize 2016-09-01 16:47:17,942 [12] DEBUG Logger (null) - [Stats] Enable 2016-09-01 16:47:18,030 [12] INFO Logger (null) - Please read the following guide before using this program: 2016-09-01 16:49:16,173 [1] ERROR Logger (null) - [Application_DispatcherUnhandledException] Unhandled exception GreyMagic.InjectionDesyncException: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: Injection Finished Event was never fired at GreyMagic.Executor.WaitForInjection(Int32 timeout) at GreyMagic.Executor.SharedExecuteLogicEnd(Int32 timeout) at GreyMagic.Executor.Execute(Int32 timeout) at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.CallInjected[T](IntPtr address, CallingConvention callingConvention, Object[] args) at \&5S-=)zf\\-=mu?G'7`"#\.F5y.d;5PtW> J\[39%<z?y/GAwL\\z.?????????????????????????????????????????(IntPtr ) at Triton.Game.TritonHs.????????????????????????????????????????() at Hearthbuddy.App.OnExit(ExitEventArgs e) at System.Windows.Application.DoShutdown() at System.Windows.Application.ShutdownImpl() at System.Windows.Application.ShutdownCallback(Object arg) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
any of the programs listed here BosslandGmbH:HelpDeskrograms that Interfere with BosslandGmbH Products - The Buddy Wiki installed?
Mate, Half of those thigns i have installed and im not uninstalling them just to find out it still doesnt work.