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  • (HELP) Slow Mesh Issue's

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by wilsonj17, Jan 19, 2011.

    1. wilsonj17

      wilsonj17 Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I have been having problem's were HB would download meshes but take forever to download or load up the meshes, For example when i use AB Bot Base it would take like 15 minuites to load up the meshes to travel to the next digsite and when AB want's to travel to the next digsite it take like another 15 mins to load up the meshes or download them to find a route to get there. (Mostly all Kalimdor meshes i already have downloaded so i dont know why it's takes forever to load them up)

      I also have a phone line net connection with a 10Mbit connection but i average around 4 - 8Mbit daily so i doubt it's a problem with my connection, i have dis-abled all my virus-protection / firewall software so there should be no problem with HB's connection to the server's. (I have also re-installed HB with no avail :( )

      Im at my wit's end since 50% of the time HB try's to load/download the meshes HB just shut's down randomly and kick's me back to the Login screen and i cant log back in untill HB has been killed threw the task manager.

      Any help will be appreciated.

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