I really need help with Where i Put the _Muligan.txt and the Combo's in Hearthbuddy. I know how to adjust setting and what not in the DeafaultRoutine but I would like to add combo's and muligans. If anyone could help that would be extremely amazing. Someone said to save them in Silverfish data folder I dunno if that is correct. If anyone can link me a guide or explain it that would be awesome. Thank you so much!!
Super simple. Create the text files in: HB > Routines > DefaultRoutine > Silverfish > Data Then just create two .txt files called _combo.txt and mulligan.txt There should already be a file in there called _carddb.txt Hope this helps!
Yeah that helps a lot thank you so much. Could you give me an example of a _combo.txt that you have created in file form pls
Here is the text, you can copy/paste it. Very simple, but this deck doesn't require much combo HTML: GAME_005,0;AT_079,0;bonus:5;hero:pala AT_073,0;nxttrn;GAME_005,5;GVG_061,0;bonusfirst:25 ;bonussecond:50;hero:pala
None of the other files have the .txt at the end for example the cardddb one is just _carddb there is no .txt after it....Do i need to add the .txt? or the computer already knows since i created a text file?
Not sure TBH. Usually there is an OS setting to hide file extensions. It shouldn't' matter so long as the file is a text file but someone could correct me if I'm wrong here.
Alright i'm Looking for a good mid-range druid combo for finisher...It plays the deck well it just never uses the Force of nature/ savage roar combo.
Makes sense. You certainly cannot bot with that deck without a combo file or you'll do some dumb things. I'd be happy to help if I can. I love ramp druid (and have played for multiple seasons) but I've never spent the time to try and have him work with HB.
Happy to help. I just got back into HB so I'm working to figure things out. I noticed the community is pretty quiet, so happy to help out where I can.