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  • help with protecting items / force mail list

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by thredworm, Jun 1, 2010.

    1. thredworm

      thredworm New Member

      May 21, 2010
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      ok, i read up on how to add items to the "protected items" list but im still a bit unclear on how to make my bot mail things out to my mail recipient. i understand how to put it in the forcemail list and that it needs the item id #/name.

      does it also need to be in the protected items list as well? or can i just list things in the forcemail section that i want mailed off?

      also- can i just edit the lists in each profile? or do i need to add said items to the general protected items list in HB?

      help a noob here if you can :)
    2. znuffie

      znuffie Banned

      Feb 23, 2010
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      No, protected items don't get mailed. That's the whole idea. You don't want your Hunter to mail his ammo to your bank alt...

      This is the relevant code in a profile that controls mailing and vendoring of items:

      As you can see, I'm vendoring greys and mailing everything else to my mail alt (that you set in HonorBuddy).

      Think of the protected item list as a way to "keep these items in my inventory, don't send them or sell them".

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