I've been a long time user of HonorBuddy, and I've been really interested in purchasing HearthBuddy, I've just wanted to know how the bot runs right now? - I came by a month ago and people said to wait until targeting was added to the bot so it helps relieve detection, has this been added in? I snooped around and couldn't really come to a conclusion on if it was or wasn't - Also, how often does someone get caught with it following the GvG release? I probably wont be botting that often with it, just a couple hours a day, so what are my chances? - Lastly, how well does it run in general? and in Arena? Thank you in advance
In the same boat as above. On the fence, Heard that another program (Hearthcrawler) got completely wiped out in a matter of 2-3 days but i'm sure it was from impatient programming as DBuddy and HoBuddy have worked flawless for over a year now I also think i should make it clear that I run 10 hours-ish daily on both of them with maybe a day off every 3-4 days. Not one issue other then finding/tweaking the perfect profile.