hello my friends it’s me Gav sorry i have not been active much but I almost kick the bucket. Anyhow just remember it we stick together we find a way to overcome this shitstorm. Well until next time my friends love you all remember Bossland will prevail just have faith.
If they get caught with every spell wave then I do not understand the thousands but updatets, also a Kack club these boss countries For the monkeys, it was all about the Profiet / sales and the safety was always the last
Well I agree with the profits part and that changed a long time ago around the time the stores opened. There was a distinct shift away from casual botters to farmers with 99.9% of the profiles being created solely for gold making. No more pat farming scripts like Rarekiller or other scripts that were more for entertainment. I believe this is when we turned the corner to this downward slide. BUT that said I can't say in some respects I blame them. No one has taken on Blizzard and lasted this long and it cost money to fight and especially when the losses outweighed the wins like 5 to 1, Bossland had to do things to make money to survive. I just wish there was another way than just saying screw casual this is now all about how much money we can make with minimum exposure. It's dramatically clear we have lost the upper hand of always having an answer to Blizz and Warden!!
well as far as content.......Buddy team did not develop any of it..........the Paying Users made all the scripts and programs and plugins so it was whatever the user base wanted and had knowledge of making and sharing. all buddy team did was make the basic bot we had to do all the work to make it worth the $$.
Whatcha413, This was correct when I joined (do you remember the old forum?). The Customer --> Dev --> Customer relationship is really what kept the community alive. Kick
yes you where the only one making decent stuff for it along with few others. was great kept us all going pretty good. but in terms of a bot that we all pay for that type of stress and work should be part of the dev team to create. anything done by the users should be a bonus. not sure if all bots are like that since i only used HB and bots for asheron's call which the devs made all the profiles and such. but all the negatives HB is still good. made some great money the first few years but turned into ban central and pennies for gold making it ultimatly pointless for me to play. i always hated WoW. to simple and mainstreamed money grab type game for the basic consumer not for an actual mmo player. everything in game is designed to take long and everyone gets the same armor etc......i liked it for a game to jump on and mess around for few hours as break from other games but it grew on me with the use of the bot. Cut out all the repetitive stuff so i can just mess around
it depends on who you consider buddystaff. near the end of HBs life EchoTiger came in and did a TON of work to the bot. more than probably any other person here. he remade the questing pack and it was 1000x infinitely better than the old questing pack. leveled faster, had 0 bugs, and a customize menu that let you pick settings. he also wrote the azyul pack, which had over 2.5million views with over 300 profiles and then he was also rewriting the entire combat logic for all specs. making a completely new singular. all for free. never asked for a dime nor donations. but was he staff? or community? a lot of people say he was just community. but he started as community, and became staff. to say the buddystaff made no content is a bit foolish because most buddystaff used to be community developers. they became staff because of the stuff they did and made. only original staff was Bossland, Nesox and Hawker. you can say they never did anything, but this is mostly true because the community developers who became staff took over for them. they moved to other bots like Demonbuddy