The goldseller's favorite little secret - jumping off durotar into the ocean and spawning in Ratchet. Apparently it's gone. I haven't checked, so i honestly don't know. It'd make a lot of sense, though.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..... Fucking blizzard.... Edit: Wait a minute, they have flight paths in Sen'Jin Willage and Razor Hill now. All is well :3 Edit2: Nvm, you cant fly anywhere from Sen'Jin Village, and idk about Razor Hill.... Edit3: Lol, the path was moved slightly to the left, its still there :3.
YouTube - Hidden Path Run for Gold Sellers Heres a vid on how to get there, i was bored The character in this vid does not exist, so dont worry about the name.
Haha, I'm actually surprised someone didnt know about the path.. I figured it was common knowledge. This path is the quickest way for a level 1 to get to a guild bank.. generally when you sell gold you do it on a lvl 1 then delete it right away, you start as an orc or troll, hop this little path in the mountain and die to a lobster in the water.. end up at rachet spirit healer.. it appears to be gone or moved to the left? ill check it out