Is it possible to run daily scripts and complete the daily quests as a holy paladin? Would the default class scripts be able to fight and effectively kill mobs and complete quests? Has anyone tried this before? Many Thanks !
you're kind of asking 4 questions in this. 1. yes, you can run dailies as a healer. you don't die to MoP daily mobs, they don't hit very hard, as most tank specs can attest, it takes foreeeeever to kill daily mobs because of this (~10% damage taken => vengeance => AP buff). without vengeance, tanking is on par with healing dps throughput. 2. healadin's have ... mediocre damage. from memory there's 2 abilities that cause damage, and a wicked 20s cooldown once you run out of HP stacks. i think it's holy shock, and hammer, with 3-4 others that do double duty heal/damage, like glyphed WoG or glyphed judgement/denounce. 3. custom CR's will do different things when in melee combat to singular, CLU/tuanha will, singular will. 4. the TMOPDE routines do work, just be prepared for it to take ... 2-3 hours. anything with AoE farming of mobs (pretty much 2/10 quests have aoe farming of mobs, i.e. tiller/gl/klaxxi/ac/sp/iot/dd) will be enduring. 5. as a healer, if you're grouped, it takes all the grunt work out of it. that's explicitly not a supported feature, just a quality of life improvement, grouped dailies are much faster e.g. golden lotus is <40 minutes, etc. easily 50% of the effort is collection of slowly respawning items, sic.
Seeing as you can have two specs and soon there will be an option to have three specs why aren't you just respeccing for dailies?
you can cast denounce as holy pala. as far as I know singular does it (bot not every custom class). You run out of mana soon so you do low damage and have to make a lot breaks to reg mana. It isn't effective unless you have none dd equip. Okay it should be faster than with 372er damage equip.
i expect it's about getting quest level healing gear pre-heroics. otherwise, idk. running quests as a healer would be slow. but for gearing up, probably not a bad idea. compared to buying a few pieces of 440 plate for 340g to 8500g (non pvp gear) or running scenarios/normal dungeons and lfr/heroics.
Gearing up is simple, buy the pvp gear and go from there. Why you'd waste so much time running dailies as a healer to get crap ilvl gear I don't know.
Cheer for the replies, Im just hoping to get some rep and get better gear, in turn experiencce botting at max level which i havent done before
Step One: Ding 90. Step Two: Buy/Make PvP gear. Step Three: Smash dailies/HC's out. Step Four: Get better gear and watch ladies swoon over your bad boy rep. Step Five: ???? Step Six: Profit.