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  • Honor Cap and BG Marks?

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by Unpossible, Jul 8, 2010.

    1. Unpossible

      Unpossible Guest

      It's been a while since I gave a damn about wow in any sort of seriousness, but I've started getting back into wow again (I know, gross, lol) and I don't know what all has changed. I'm hoping you guys can enlighten me concerning a few things.

      Firstly, I remember from long ago, there was an honor cap that you could not go past, 85,000 or something I believe it was. Has that changed? I'm rockin' some bg's hard with HB.

      Secondly, I see the guy near the honor armor merchants that will accept bg marks in exchange for honor, but I've been doing bg's yet I get no marks. Are marks a thing of the wow-past and blizz hasn't taken the marks-for-honor dude out of the game yet, or am I just lost and confused? and ugly. what?

      Alright thanks in advance to anyone who knows what's going on! :p
    2. Sidalol

      Sidalol Member

      Jul 1, 2010
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      Marks were totally removed. The vendor is there for anyone who has some left over. All bgs reward a lot more honor than they used to. You get more honor for kills, wins, caps etc. Honor cap is 75,000.
    3. Bioern

      Bioern Member

      May 2, 2010
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      marks are a thing of the past.The vendor was placed there so that everyone could get rid of all the marks that don't have any use no more.+
      The honorcap is still 75000.

      Edit:damn too late!

      BTW: is there a plugin that lets HB buy equip/gems from the honor it gets?
    4. Sidalol

      Sidalol Member

      Jul 1, 2010
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      Oh, and you also get levelling exp in bgs now. You can turn this off, but it also turns off all forms of exp gain in the game and you'll be in different battlegrounds to those gaining exp.
    5. Unpossible

      Unpossible Guest

      Sweet, thanks guys!

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