I'm interested in purchasing Honor Buddy, I just want to know what the ban rate is like? I've been using RebornBuddy for years now and I haven't heard of anyone being banned from it. I know there was a big ban thing for honor buddy at one point, just curious as to what the ban rate is right now before purchasing?
As a former user of RB, I can tell you that SE cares 0% about bots, even if you're doing the dumbest things and running 24/7. Blizzard is a different story, and they put a lot of effort into catching botters. HB is about as safe as botting in WoW can be, as evidenced by no new ban reports here after the ban wave just earlier today. However, you're never going to be safe botting in WoW. They don't need to detect HB, they can just analyze your patterns and player reports. Certain activities will be riskier than others. The ban reports we've had recently are typically what you'd expect: low level dungeon/raid farming, extensive gathering, BGbuddy.
Hmm, I visit most of the other bot sites on a regular basis, and I see no banwaves happening anywhere.