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  • Honorbuddy botter looking to expand! Need som help and advices.

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by aleksuz, Nov 6, 2013.

    1. aleksuz

      aleksuz New Member

      Jun 18, 2012
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      Hello and thanks for this awesome community and software.

      I love every one of you for the good work with all the aspects of this bot, frem devs to profile makers :)

      I have botted on my main in several years now and gathered every possible thing with this bot :) it has done countless of hours for me in boring grinding and farming. I have botted on and of in all these years to prevent my account from getting banned.

      I am now looking into maybe expand with a second account, that second account will be mye gather and grinding account. I will be grinding for around 1-2 hours a day. Herbs and mining.
      The reason behind wanting to make a second gather account is that I can no long afford to get banned on my main after alle the houres if put into that account with everything I have archived.

      My question to you, fellow botters is as following..

      - how do I transfer herbs and ore safely between my main and bot account? Mail, guild bank, cod? Any other methods?
      - what is the risk of doing it? Will they link my characters and ban bouth if my bot cahr gets a ban?
      -I wish to use jewelcrafting, milling, enchanting and alchemy to prosess the material further, I got this professions on my main. Is this safer than just sell ore and herbs on ah?
      -is there anything else that this I need to take in consideration?
      -what are you fellow botters experience on this subject? Anyone done the same?

      I really appreciate this community so mutch and I thank you for reading my thread ;-)



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