hello to all .i am new to this bot and decided to give it a try so i am in testing mode in general.i have read most of the guides and all work good until now without problems.but there is one problem that persists.i have left my honorbuddy/wow client all night questing and leveling my toon, only to be found them closed the next morning.i assumed my internet have fallen so they both closed.but then left them again in the evening for 3-4 hours and then return to see that honorbuddy had closed and my wow toon was at the character select menu.so the internet didn't had fallen but just honor closed and wow client closed after waiting for hours.i want to mention also that when i was babysit the bot(around 3-4 hours)all worked well.so the bot doesn't closes instantly.so i need to ask.is it a bug?is it some option i need to check not to closes after few hours?i haven't found a honorbuddy general options btw.only some wow related.plz help me cause i cant bot succesfuly if it closes after few hours. ps1:i have found that: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...ed/44295-app-hbrelog-opensource-relogger.html .is it a must to use it?does the bot closes for everyone?
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make a fresh Hb installation form scratch and also check if you have any programs listed here BosslandGmbH:HelpDeskrograms that Interfere with BosslandGmbH Products - The Buddy Wiki installed