Hello Everyone, After side chatting with different developers over the months, I thought it would be useful to have a Skype group chat of developers. We would be able to help each other out more easily, and also get to know each other. However, I know what some of you are thinking. "The forums are here to help everyone. If we help each other in a chat, only we are benefiting." I completely agree! That's why I was going to add a little catch with the group. Whenever someone is helped with a problem "worth noting", that's not on the forums, he/she will be required to post it on the forums. I invite any and all developers may it be plugins, profiles, custom classes, core, or others. How do I get invited? Simply post here that you would like to join. Have a Skype account. Link (or have in your signature) something you have developed. If you are well-known, or have private profiles not on the forums, just let me know. I trust you. Either leave your Skype username in your post or (preferably) private message me with it so you can be added to the group ASAP. Have a nice day!
Something tells me your using that new skype hack... anyways , you and anyone else may add me. My public skype name is here. conetopia.ext-3000 I Don't make anything from scratch, but... I can read guides on this website or other websites on basically how to make world of warcraft scripts and have the bot run around and gather herbs and go to mailbox/vender. block bot from attacking mobs ect. there is a few other things I can develop in D3 too. --- I can also help people setup their bots. and maybe give feedback on how easy or hard it is to set things up, and maybe give information to help prevent certain things from happening ect. IDK but I wouldn't mind helping anyone.
Could be interesting. I've made a ton of stuff on these forums, so I suppose I don't have to link it. There's a skype addy link in my signature.
I encourage every one of you to use a V.P.N or something else to hide your IP on Skype an example would be "hidemyass" Google it. A lot of DDosers out there.