I'm interested in knowing about success stories on party botting and running dungeons? What classes combo works the best? Thanks
Hello! It's any combos works ok. I've tryed following: Heal: restore shaman DD: Arms Warrior, Monk, Rogue Tank: Protection Paladin With "singular" in dungeons: 1) Arms Warrior - the best DD 2) Monk healer - fail 3) Mage with any builds - fail 4) Retribution Paladin - OK DD Also you can use your characters from different realms, just use "charactername-servername" using "-"
I just have to use a mage with the free portals everywhere ^.^ besides the dps with singular isn't bad at all
I'm currently using at lvl 90, blood dk, ele sham, surv hunter, destro lock, boomkin druid. I've been running heroics 2-3 days no need for the healer with gear above 520 in my case. I've thinking of leveling a second group, with brewmaster monk, ele sham(resto while leveling) 2 hunters, 1 mage to see how that group fairs.
mm - might try to use my healing shammy to secondary specc ele, good idea ^^ my ilvl is avaraging of 535 =) Atm I use Prot pally Boomkin druid Frost Mage Surv hunter Soon to be ele shammy =)
Once my new ram arrives, my new team will be: Blood dk for best self healing? + dps and tank use the same weapon type, so I can queue as dps in lfr, but get a weapon for tank. If the self healing isn't really needed, I would still choose between the blood dk, feral and brewmaster because of previous reason. Ele shaman(resto while leveling) because shadow and moonkin dps rely too much on dots? Low dps because the mobs die too fast? Hunter surv, best burst aoe dps? Frost mage for portals and good burst aoe dps? As I don't like melee for botting, another surv hunter with the hyena pet. Buffs missing with this set-up if I am not mistaken: +5% Strength, Agility, and Intellect +10% Stamina If dps from moonkin and shadow priest are on par with the hunters, I would switch the hunters for them and level/gear the priest as healer. And then perhaps switch out one of the worst dps for a destro lock. All this is based on singular. I do know that moonkin can dish out quick aoe damage with shrooms, but Singular doesn't seem to use those. I guess you could also choose 3x mages or hunters, but I believe different classes add a little bit of extra safety. But that is just guessing. Feel free to critic.
if I could remake my team - I would indeed swap boomkin druid for destro lock purely because singular works alot better with our lock dps =)
I have used different combos. The key is to have a tank, healer and 3 DPS. Follow that formula and it usually turns out OK. I like pally as tanks and priest as healers but have used shamans for tank and healer and DPS, 5 shamans speced out different. I also have a warrior, druid and 3 archers which works well. I have tried 5 DK's and w/o a healer they die a lot. No more than one rogue per party or you will wipe often.
I've tried heroic now with ele shammy instead of resto - so no healer, and because my Itemlevel is near 540 avarage, it's a cakewalk and a healer is no longer needed.
yeah im really hoping to get rid of my boomkin in teh nexty week or so his dps is so so so low. Maybe another hunter or mage? What is your guys gph doing this btw? I cant seem to get over 300gph for each toon.
nice GPH? i have +520 ilevel (pve and pvp) and have 300-350 gph Warrior tank,shaman enhasement,hunter,mage,priest disci.
350 gph is normal with pvp ilvl 522 imho. Of course you can do a little more with guild perks, cloth and justice points.
Set leader to free for all and loot mode always. Set other chars to Off. Make leader pop potions of luck and loot all. Make profit??? At least, that is what I still want to try. In for answers.