I just reinstalled the last version and started it to use GB2. But after a few minutes since i start the bot an error is occuring. Seems like its something about the CC. I downloaded it again , but still the same thing happends and i dont know what to do. Thanks.
use Singular v2 for your Shaman http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...riven-all-one-cc-just-plain-works-pt-2-a.html and i will check your issue with Shamwow creator you will need svn client for Singular,the guide is here http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/guides/26031-videoguide-how-svn-jvidia.html
nymphelay, You will want to shutdown and restart Windows (it looks like some error state has occurred during the last 7 hours since Windows was started.) An HB API is failing because it makes a call to the WOW Client but never gets a response. Once you get in that position and restarting WOW doesn't resolve, you'll need to restart Windows. If you continue to have the error, Tony can talk you through the normal steps of clearing your cache and any standard cleanup/reinstall steps recommended for use with HB. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53