Was running fine erlyer tooday, loged out came back and couldn't get HB to run. then when I try to report error OS 7/64bit
I got it I had to delete all the fornts to get it working right wich with windows 7 you have to do it in registry too "http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/1076-fonts-delete.html" And thanks gose to khurune for posting "http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/support-issues/41418-big-epic-problem.html" with a link to a fresh coppy of fonts..
.Net framework V4 is messing with it.. I had to use dotnetfx_cleanup_tool.zip. "I did it in safe mode, then restarted pc, then went into widows update and disable / hide the .net frame v4 and the update." http://cid-27e6a35d1a492af7.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Blog_Tools/dotnetfx_cleanup_tool.zip Just what I had to do to get it working..
Well got it to work once then gets a new error looks like a fun filled time trying to figure this out.. Hard boot restart, I have reinstalled several times now. I guess I'll play it safe and log for a wile..
well not shure whats causing it but I can get HB to run if I delete the setting forlder and reboot, so it's some thing messing with HB itself eather .Net framework V4 or wow itself. not shure but will be waching for any updates, at least I tryed to make shure I checked the forms for ancers thanks for helping. hope this narrows this down for other people..