is it only me, Warden and Blizzard detect use of HB cause Combat routine cast spell X then spell H, then spell K, with same intervale between them, almost to precise to be a human. bam!!! banned. Also movement need to be random from start, i have seen there are some routines there makes movement more random when farming, but the best would be that it was build in from start The short version of this, everything need to be randomize,, if you use the bot to fish with, is the same, too fast if the bot are 0.23 second to take up the fish everytime there is a catch, instead somewhere between 0.10 second-1.30 second, then it would look more like a human. but with random values of almost everything the bots do , and honorbuddys good memory protection. It would be a more safe bot i can only see a wickness is that kicks quest profile are to open, i think all quests zone has to be in the profile, so the toon can auto move to any zone to do quest if 234223 move from WP to badland and then to Swamp of Sorrow to do quest then there s a risk blizzard can see is a bot or we get us the attention, if the bot could randomize which quest zone to move to after completed all or most of the quests in a specific zone, (Pardon my English)