Dont think so m8, i got banned on my main acount and then i got another one , just booting safe and got banned after 1 week booting like 5 or 6 hours day, leleving a druid
i didnt lost any acount, my main got 72ban but its still active atm , my other acoutn aparently they suspended me for 20h to search but i talked to a bame master and he told me that was a mystake wtf ! omg xD
Idk, i got banned on one i was leveling also, and another that i was useing PB 1-600 on after hitting 90. BUt i also botted my way from 82 to 90 on 3 of my mains toons. Running BG, questing and grind.
leveling = stuck on every corner. i can see bots that are leveling on any zone there are tons of bugs that kick isnt going to fix since months. guess where my bots are banned? always these stuck zones. i login after 72h ban and see ahhh, they only look for some ugly bot behaviour where every bot is getting stuck every day. easy banning.
So to summarize: - you use gatherbuddy - you will get banned for collecting too much nodes by an automated routine and some patterns - you use bgbuddy - you will get banned for the superior logic (following the biggest pack) and because your toon plays like a bot and it's obvious - you use questing - you will get banned because you will end up standing around somewhere forever or the bot will try to navigate to an unreachable point again and again Great...
Usual blahblah. Risky behavior is asking for a ban. You have provided no information on what you were doing when you were banned so I have to assume you left the bot afk for hours and hours at a time, gathered too much and tried to sell it all at once, or other such silliness. Generally speaking it's players reporting you that will get you banned.
Was Du schreibst ist nicht korrekt. Ich habe nun ?ber 5 Chars mit Kicks Profil hochgezogen und diese "Stucks" die Du beschreibst, sind 1. nicht existent und 2. w?re das nicht Kicks Aufgabe, sondern ein Fall f?r den Thread "Navigation issues". Gru
doch diese stucks sind existent, eventuell kommt es auf die rasse an. tauren bleiben gerne irgendwo unter b?umen/h?user etc h?ngen. bei dem halfhill market (da wo man die bauern dailies macht) bleibt er gerne auch h?ngen weil da soviel zeug herum steht. das schreit auch nach bann weil da immer jemand ist. dann gibts noch eine quest in krasarang mit den haien da bleibt er auch oft stecken. gibt noch einige stellen wo so etwas (fast) immer passiert. und ich hab 11 chars auf 90 gelevelt mit kick. das einzig gute ist das wenn man soviele chars levelt man genau wei? wann man probleme zu erwarten hat. edit: aber du hast nat?rlich recht das kick da keinen einfluss drauf hat