Hello, Im newish with botting and ive stumbled upon a roadblack which honorbuddy just freezes in the loading screen with error concerning the buddy store. I have attached log. Please help.
Disable streaming of all products in the store and start HB again. You can then enable the products one by one until you find the one causing issues. Leave this turned off and report the problem in the 3rd Party support thread. I think "jumpy" is causing the issue in your installation. Disable this first and give it a try.
Many thanks for your prompt reply. How do I disable? All the buttons are greyed out when it's trying to log in.
Logon to the buddystore here: https://store.buddyauth.com/ (top right logon) and then on MY PURCHASES. On the left side you find DISABLE ALL Here you can find more info: http://wiki.thebuddyforum.com/index...ting_Started_with_the_Buddy_Store_(as_a_User)