I load the profile for questing in legion from the default questing profiles, bot starts up, but the character does not do anything at all, and the honorbuddy window does not change. Ive tried loading other profiles and it does the same. I know your gonna say upload a log, but there is really not anything in the log file to be seen to upload. Ive done fresh installs multiple times. ive closed the WoW window and launched it with honorbuddy. I am also using the most up to date version of honorbuddy.
this is retarded since honorbuddy upgraded....the Quest portion of the bot does NOT work at all.....the BG and GB2 bot all work.......its happening to everyone yet you guys refuse too look into it and acknowledge it, all of us paid for this service and everday that ticks by are days our keys are unable to be used.ive reinstalled HB many times i repaired wow many times i tried changing options etc many times tried different area quest many times ......its been a couple days i been trying to get this to work
[20:48:05.445 N] Attaching to D3D11 switch to directx9 in wow settings [20:50:00.405 N] [ProfileCompatibilityInfo-6e1574(warning)] PROFILE COMPATIBILITY WARNINGS: * Problematic game client addons were encountered--please disable these addons: Bartender4 disable bartender4 and you will be fine. I dont get why you are so mad without providing a log and from my point of view you dont even tryed to get the questbot to work as you ignore the errors popping up. //EDIT// btw try the streamed profiles 1-110 as your downloaded may be outdated
give me a break please....i have done those things you suggested....and I'm MAD because they have yet to acknowledge that they screwed it up with the update.....if it was just me then i would say ok but its ALOT of others with this problem since the update....and Bartender4 was fine before then also and i have disabled ALL addons but addons shouldnt effect the quest portion all of a sudden and change directx ? why that ONLY effects the quest bot since the patch but not the other BOTS ? i think not they need to get this working properly and not break it in updates
Questing works fine...I'm running 4 accounts in different zones with the default quest profiles, all different levels, all different zones right now and none are having any issues whatsoever. If you are having issues, the problem is on your end...Same with everyone else.
I appreciate the input althought not helpful whatsoever.....again this happening SINCE AFTER THE UPDATE and it working fine for me BEFORE the update makes it call bullshit to it being on MY END....but thanks
You can call BS all you want, it's not... Have you tried a fresh install of HB? Have you disabled all your addons in wow? Have you tried different CR's? Have you cleared your cache? Have you tried different DirectX setups? Or... Did you just update your bot, leave everything the same, running old, out-of-date add-ons that potentially broke with the new patch... My guess is its the latter.
your quest cache is bork. do a few quests manually so the botbase can identify where you need to go next. this happens when you shut down questbot in the middle of a quest, or on a flightpath going to another zone. or right after you pick up a quest, or turn one in. it goes something like this, the botbase checks the loaded quest profile. it checks your progress in the cache and decides what to do next. when your cache is bork then the botbase gets confused and freaks out like up in the pic. you need to do a couple quests manually and shut down the bot near a quest hub, preferably after the objectives are completed but before you turn the quest in. this way the botbase will see your progress in the cache and not get confused. if im off on the actual process some correction by a developer is always welcome. protip--you catch more flies with honey. in other words, be nice to the people offering you help. protip.2--hyperbole makes you sound silly.
Is there a process on how your team would have us clear the cache....because the questing bot works fine on other toons its just this particular one it seems to be stuck i tried to clear wow chache and the HB cache but it appears im missing something\ BTW i have done what you suggested a couple times and it didnt seem to work