May 27, 16:04 CEST I have tried fresh installing and following instructions on the buddyforums etc. nothing has yet worked. For a little while I just completed the quest manually and it would begin working again after restart however now the bot keeps getting stuck with this error message: "Could not create current behavior in quest bot; exception was thrown, Profile line# 614, Element: <PickUp QuestName="Elmore's Task" QuestId="1097" GiverName="Smith Argus" GiverId="514" /> Bot stopping! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot!" Essentially the bot fails to pick up new quests and complete finished ones. This keeps happening on my lvl 15 shaman who should not even be picking up the quest elmore's task since its a low level quest (i think?).
The issue started when the bot failed to complete quests that were already done, however now it wont go to accept new quests either aswell as not completing already finished ones. For the quest "Elmore's Task" I have not completed it nor do i have it in my quest log currently, worth mentioning is that the issue arose before the quest Elmore's Task was even mentioned by the bot. The issue started whilst doing questing in the dwarven starting area.
clear your cache plz