Sorry if this is the wrong area. *hides* So my sister and I both like WoW, but we fail at making curious how hard is Honorbuddy to set up to kill monsters? does it work with all classes? Can it fish for you? or do archaeology ? Also I saw people posting they got getting banned common when using honorbuddy to do things? Also so confused on the 1 Session -Lifetime thing >< when I think Session, I think one time use? thanks for anyone who can shed some light on this stuff <3 eep~ also forgot to ask. can you have honorbuddy working in the background..while say another game is being played? So it is farming while I derp out on Starbound or something silly.
Hi with Hb supports all the above,i would say you could do everything in game except arenas (you can even do arenas but its not officially supported) it can run in background while you are playing other games,just keep all game s in windowed mode and you are fine using a bot there is always a chance to get banned,bot wisely and you should be "safe"
yay thank you Tony!! but what about the Session thing? 1 Session means more then one use? I am looking to get the 1 Session - Lifetime one.
with 1 session you can run one bot at a time,with 3 sessions you can run 3 bots at the same time you're welcome
Hi, Eepohno, This article may answer some questions you have about sessions: Buddy products: Product Licensing and Fair Use - Buddy Wiki cheers & good luck with your decision, chinajade