I am using the default CC's but I have also tried the Warrior CC on the forums. I am currently farming Coverted Heroes in Icecrown and pulling alot of mobs at a time. When the mobs are dead it takes years between the loots, is there anyway to fix this?
I think it has to do with the CC and not honorbuddy. The new Warrior CC is a little buggy. It sometimes doesn't face a target properly and just dies eventually. In addition it should be spamming Bloodthirst->HeroicStrike->RB in that order.... and spam Battleshout whenever up... But it's solid, Ive ran it for 7 hours now and it hasn't crashed in grind mode. Battlegrounds are still crashing though.
i notice that too, rather slow compared to 1.962... but still functional, not as bad as last time where the bot used to move away , then suddenly turn back, some how the bot was saying "ohya i forgot to loot", lol now the hb2, it kills the mob, stand there 3seconds, then loot. Finish loot, wait 1~3seconds, then continue on next action...
I just unchecked loot really. Made a shit load more xp/h. But i can see that some people want the loot.
i'm questing, thats why i need the loot on, dont know when will the bot loot item for quest... hahaha
i've heard various looting problems with the new HB ... maybe a dev can confirm exactly what the problem is - hb or CC's? I'm not using hb atm