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  • Honorbuddy still detectable? I believe so.

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by mwollan, Jun 23, 2015.

    1. mwollan

      mwollan New Member

      Sep 10, 2014
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      Ok first of all off with the tinfoil hat and everything, this is not a personal theory, it's basically what I think based off of my observations. So please hear me out.

      After the banwave I honestly did not think that honorbuddy was still detectable, given that Bossland is a great company that takes alot of pride into making their product undetectable as far as I can tell. After carefully planning out how to test this the best way possible I decided to give it a thorough go. I wanted to test how easily the bots would get cought doing different sorts of stuff. Lately we have heard alot of talk about wheter honorbuddy is still detectable or not, but given the amounts of trolls on this forum I had to set up a little project to do something myself. So I really tried to get some hardproof evidence on wheter or not this was true. I decided to record every single bot to catch when they actually got detected, and what happened to them in the moment of detection. The results were very interesting.

      So I bought 4 fresh battlechest accounts and I upgraded them all to WOD. I installed honorbuddy at 4 different locations with 4 different IP adresses(obviously). I spread the characters across 4 different servers, ranging from low pop to high pop. After that I decided I had to test a broad base of the bot just to find out if my speculations were true. I knew that brainless botting with 10+ hours a day wouldn't give me any answers as this is by far the easiest way to get cought. So I decided to let the bots run for about 2-3 hours every day, to resemble human like behaviour the most. I started with leveling on 2 of them by hand 1-100, then I let kicks profile run from 1-100 on 1 of them, and the last one I boosted to 90 before letting kicks profile take care of the rest. This is where the first ban came in. The bot that was running kicks profile from 90-100 got detected after about 3 hours of levling. It reached lvl 92. The other bot that was leveling however reached 1-100 with kicks profile without receiving a ban. Please keep in mind that the purpose of this project is the bots to eventually get detected, as this was the plan from the very beginning. I would let them run untul they got detected. So this left me with 3 operativable bots. I ran fishingmaster on one of them for 2-3 hours a day, I farmed savage blood with the second one, and the third one I set to do garrison stuff. The next bot to get hit was the one farming Savage Blood in nagrand, it lasted for 2 days with botting 2-3 hours each session. This was so far kind of the expected order as open world farming is by far the most exposed behaviour a bot can do in terms of getting detected by other players. The next one to follow was the fishing bot, it lasted for about 4 days The last and final bot lasted for about a week before it got hit, all this with doing 2-3hours of botting in the garrison each day

      So, to the conclusion. Wheter or not honorbuddy is still detectable is very hard to tell, as non of my bots were instantly banned after injecting HB. However I think I can with certainty say that the rate of at which Blizzard detects the bot must have risen a lot. I have always used Honorbuddy, and often ran with multiply bots running for many hours a day. But with rate at which all my 4 bots were detected I really have my doubts in this. Something must have changed in the devs method at detecting the bots **Tinfoil hat on** One interested thing that I noticed from recording though is that my nagrand farming bot, before getting banned, was teleported several times backwards before getting shut down. I guess this is the GM's technique of checking wheter it is a bot or not, as the bot automatically starts walking again to the same point after being teleported. Wheras maybe a human would have actually stopped and thought "What the f*** is going on?". The other 3 bots just disconnects and receive their bans.

      *** Please do not ask for screenshots of proof of anything, I will upload a youtube link soon with all the bots in action with a fast forward speed. I am working on making a 4 split screen right now for a better view

      Thanks for reading my post.
    2. Thecamel

      Thecamel Community Developer

      Aug 8, 2012
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      It's a very well known fact game masters will use different things such as teleport or sleep debuff amung other things on a character they suspect could be botting..

      This has been confirmed some time ago..

      As for you bans, there is nothing that really stands our apart from what we all know, blizzard has zero tolerance for bots at the moment, and we are in there sights, any thing out of the ordinary is going to flag our accounts, and get a Gm teleporting us all around the place..

      If you really want to know if HB is detected for you self, do as I have done, make a brand new account with new payment and ip info,

      Attach HB to wow, and use the do nothing plugin... And do nothing but play by hand on that account with HB attached and running but not doing anything...

      You will find, as I have it wont get banned, been over 5 weeks now, I leave it connected afk 15 hours a day.. Using my narga mouse to prevent afk log out..

      If anything is detected with HB at the moment, its actions the bot is doing, no the bot it's self,

      In saying that I have multiple accounts botting up to server shutdown for weeks now leveled multiple toons with kicks from 1 to 100' and only lost one account from bloody re bot, nothing to do with HB..

      It's just not a good time for bots ATM
    3. huntersmoon

      huntersmoon New Member

      Nov 24, 2012
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      *tin foil hat* this is my view. I don't think it's software detection this time. The ban wave was. These increased bans in my mind are more to do with new flagging methods for repetitive actions as well as more active GM patrol.
      I lost my farming account after grinding out for 5 hours including swapping areas...


      Edit: it's things like this that do help though. So the post is useful. I have considered making a combat routine that ransoms the attack order to "make mistakes". So the attack routine isn't so repetative and time between skill uses is slightly more random.
      Last edited: Jun 23, 2015
    4. klepp0906

      klepp0906 Banned

      Apr 25, 2013
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      It's as detectable as the rest. The hacks out there have also been hit and those don't run profiles or farm anything meaning they're simply cold and hard detected, likely during the initial hook/injection.

      That being said I don't think they run their detection perpetually; or hit all servers at once for whatever reason. Time, overhead etc. you get caught when they're running it and you get a ban whether or not it's instant is anyones guess but usually not.

      Bossland, or all the bot devs for that matter can sit still and milk it for what it's worth until even the swingers call it post future banwave, or be proactive and start addressing the things they currently can. That is what is going to define the successful bot of the future. If they are only concerned with short term profits then blizzard is going to win this war imo.

      I don't doubt it's a tall order but I also believe long term customers are currently much more interested in security than new features.

      Remember they won't perma ban you unless they're positive you were botting. Take that as you will.
    5. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      Not a single person has ever been banned for simply injecting HB into wow. If you were trying to prove that, your experiment was a complete failure. Additionally, taking 5 minutes of time and reviewing the ban forums would'v showed you that noone has been banned for injecting and doing nothing with the bot.

      Noone's going to watch your hours and hours of botting footage unless you can point out the exact time you believe you were detected. Even then, all you need to do is show the 10-15 seconds when you believe you were detected and all that will prove is that a GM MAY have been looking at your account. Watching in fast forward isn't going to help anyone.

      Your sample size is WAY too low to be considered for a valid experiment. If you had, say....2000 accounts with a sample size of 500 bots doing the exact same activities spread around, and a good portion of the bots got banned, you may have something to start researching. Other than that, I'm not sure how this experiment was helpful at all.

      Sorry, these words may sound harsh, but its true.
    6. mwollan

      mwollan New Member

      Sep 10, 2014
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      That was not what I was trying to prove at all. The footage you are referring too will be fast forward until 10 seconds before the bot DC'es and gets banned. And I know that size isn't big enough for a valid experiment, I don't have the money for that. But I still think 4 bots being banned that rapidly should prove something.

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