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  • Honorbuddy v2.5.11837.752

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by raphus, Oct 24, 2014.

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    1. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Honorbuddy v2.5.11837.752

      Bug fixes:
        * ArchaeologyBuddy
          - Fixed a bug where Survey skill might be used faster then intended for users with high latency. (HB-1370)
        * Core
          - Saving settings should now fail much less with 'Access to the path denied' errors (still needs testing) (HB-1327)
          - Fixed a bug where Singular would fail to load for Death Knights with Blood Boil glyph (HB-1366)
        * DungeonBuddy
          - Will properly sell items if there are more then 10 to sell. (HB-1365)
        * ProfessionBuddy
          - 'Buy Item From AH' no longer places bids if the 'Bid On Item' option is disabled (HB-1371)
          - 'Get Mail' no longer gets stuck on mail items with an attached letter and also removed the 'Check New Mail' option because its no longer useful. (HB-1372)
          - The SwitchCharacter function has been fixed (HB-1347)
        * QuestBehaviour
          - DoWhen will no-longer throw exceptions when HB is stopped and an activity name uses curly brackets (HB-1336)
        * Questing
          - Will now properly turn in quests that offer a quest reward (HB-1364)
        * Singular
          - Fixed exceptions spam for rogues and druids (HB-1201)

      [SIZE=+1]Reporting Bugs[/SIZE]

      Please report confirmed bugs to THIS thread!
      When reporting a bug, please include your full log file (found in your bot folder under the "Logs" directory, sort by creation date to find it easier), a full and detailed explanation of the bug, as well as any screenshots that may be useful in tracking down the bug.


      Honorbuddy: Installer (recommended) / Zip

      Honorbuddy Deutsche Version: Installer (recommended) / Zip
      → For German users, this Honorbuddy client must be used—the other Honorbuddy version(s) will not work for you. ←
      Ref: Honorbuddy Deutsche Version - Pressemitteilung

      Honorbuddy Asian Version: Installer (recommended) / Zip
      → For Asian users, we suggest using this client as it connects to our HK auth servers which results in faster login time and consistent connection ←

      The Buddy Dependency Wizard will install these requirements for you, if needed.
      Of course, you are welcome to install them manually if so inclined.

      [SIZE=+1]Thread Management Rules[/SIZE]
      Posts that have been archived from this thread are available here:
      Posts are archived according to the following rules:

      • Posts that have received a response from the Bossland GmbH staff are archived.
        Do not assume that because your post was archived, it means we don't care.
        We are simply keeping this thread clean.

      • This thread is for confirmed bug reports only.
        You should have tried to resolve your problem using the Support forum, first.
        If the Support forum can't resolve your issue, they will ask that you report the problem here.

      • We will only look into bugs reported against the version of Honorbuddy represented by this thread.
        Bugs reported against any other Honorbuddy releases (including Betas) will be archived immediately without comment.

      • Bug reports without FULL, unedited logs attached will be immediately archived without comment.
      • Either report bugs properly, or do not report them at all.
        We cannot look into bugs that have little to no information.
        Bugs reported in such a fashion will be immediately archived without comment.

      • If you wish to submit a feature request to this thread, please make certain it is not already covered.
      • This is not a discussion thread.
        If you derail this thread, you will be muted for up to 30 days. No questions.

      • Archiving may not be immediate, but occur every few days.

      Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2014
    2. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      [size=+1]Currently Known Bugs[/size]
      • HB-1286: ProfileManager gets confused if Botbase is changed
      • HB-1302: WoWSpell.CanCast reports false when moving and shooting steady shot
      • HB-1322: Honorbuddy ignoring neutral quest mobs that are part of <Objective>
      • HB-1323: Problem with Kill-form of <Objective>
      • HB-1325: HasItem() does not check for Items in the "invisible" WoD Bag
      • HB-1331: MyCTM fails to move if only "Z" value changes, causing profile termination
      • HB-1337: Serious lagging on Battlegrounds
      • HB-1340: Unable to turn in quest while under water to 'dead' NPC
      • HB-1342: RunLUA causes the WoWclient to close
      • HB-1348: "Error Trying to Save Settings File" File Already Exists
      • HB-1350: DungeonBuddy: rework Upper Blackrock Spire
      • HB-1353: Settings files are still being corrupted
      • HB-1356: Honorbuddy sometimes sells the 'last' bag
      • HB-1361: Map changes/teleports/hearthing cause GreyMagic errors
      • HB-1378: ProfessionBuddy: Expand InBagCount() to account for profession bank?
      • HB-1380: DungeonBuddy crashes (related to graphics load?)
      • HB-1383: DungeonBuddy recognizing completed dungeons, but not leaving them
      • HB-1391: AutoEquip does account for gem stats
      • HB-1395: Singular throwing exceptions when Priest tries to use Lightwell in dungeons
      • HB-1399: ProfessionBuddy emit wrong messages due to handler detach failure
      • HB-1405: Lost City of Tol'vir: Problems with vendor runs
      • HB-1406: Lost City of Tol'vir: Stuck on stairs otw to Lockmaw
      • HB-1407: Lost City of Tol'vir: Stuck in combat at Enslaved Bandits
      • HB-1408: Gatherbuddy2 not using Swift Flight Form in non-English client
      • HB-1409: Stormstout Brewery: Problem handling Hozen Party Animal
      • HB-1410: Vortex Pinnacle: Not taking slipstreams after killing boss
      • HB-1411: ProfessionBuddy: "GetMail->CheckNewMail appears to be unused"

      [size=+1]Singular-specific issues[/size]
      After a discussion with Bobby53, we are no longer capturing issues here against Singular. Bobby53 has a very thorough and efficient work flow that is independent of the HBcore bug tracking process. We will just need to give him time to 'catch up' to the changes imposed by WoD. He is well aware of all the issues that people have been reporting, and just needs time to address them.

      You can find Singular's current status here:

      [size=+1]Bugs in danger of being discarded, due to lack of details[/size]

      [size=+1]Awaiting Confirmation[/size]

      [size=+1]Cannot reproduce[/size]
      Bugs marked as "cannot reproduce" are usually due to problems with your particular Honorbuddy installation. For instance, third-party products that are not working correctly—you should disable Buddy Store streaming for all products. Another cause is interference from external programs or addons. Your best way to recovering from this always starts with a clean install.
      If you continue to experience problems after conducting a 'clean install', and disabling the streaming of all products from the Buddy Store, you should seek help in the Support forum with your log that captures the issue.

      • HB-1334: Gatherbuddy attempting to mine as Druid while in shape-shifted form
        "Tried with a lvl 90 druid with both glyph of stag and without. All working good on my end"
      • HB-1341: Dungeonbuddy is not releasing corpse
        "Can't reproduce so probably Overcome by Events (ObE)."
      • HB-1360: Invisible wall inside Gate of the Setting Sun
      • HB-1368: ArcheologyBuddy tripping inactivity timer
        "Been running AB for a day and couldn't reproduce this"

      [size=+1]Not a Bug / Won't fix[/size]
      • HB-1159: TradeskillAction throwing exceptions
        "This is from the open-sourced version of PB which is outdated and no-longer maintained. "
      • HB-1299: GrindUntil Condition not terminating
        "The original submitter reports this is no longer a problem in '.752. The bug has been closed as 'Overcome by Events' (ObE)—the problem was probably repaired by a fix to another bug."
      • HB-1306: Reports of HB causing WoWclient crash and BSoD
        "The WoW crash log contains no traces of anything Honorbuddy would touch, but it contains a DLL that we have seen on previous reports of crashes (4-5 reports in 5 months): rlls.dll. This is some spyware:
      • HB-1374: ProfessionBuddy queues for Battlegrounds if stop/started while cooking&fishing
        "The secondary bot was set to BGBuddy and the current PB profile is responsible for setting the Secondary bot to the correct botbase."
      • HB-1375: ProfessionBuddy's AHBot not undercutting properly?
        "Working as intended. Cancel the undercut auctions first by running 'Cancel Auction' to make room for new auctions."
      • HB-1382: InteractWith: Not defending itself if attacked while trying to interact
        "Caused by having framelock disabled."
      • HB-1396: ArcheologyBuddy unable to locate any digsites
        "The user is possibly using an addon that interferes with AB. Even when all 4 digsites are blacklisted AB will still write them to the log with a 'blacklisted'' annotation. This article should help the user isolate the source of the problm: BosslandGmbH:HelpDesk:programs that Interfere with BosslandGmbH Products"


      [size=+1]Already repaired for next drop[/size]
      • HB-1177: Singular's "Pull More" appears to be pulling mobs on <AvoidMobs> list
        "Until fixed, workaround is to set Class Config setting PullMoreUsage to None.
        Added support for AvoidMobs list checking based on CurrentProfile"
      • HB-1224: Mail is using evil version of 'Sleep'
        "MailFrame.TakeAttachedItems, OpenAllMail() and OpenAllMailCoroutine methods are now marked as obsolete. To take their places, 3 new coroutines, MailFrame.GetMailAttachmentsCoroutine, OpenAllMailCoroutine and OpenAllMailFromCoroutine have been added."
      • HB-1316: Honorbuddy Updater throwing exceptions
        "Starting from this version, Updater will now properly ask for admin privileges when UAC is enabled."
      • HB-1317: Honorbuddy ignores quest mobs fighting other mobs
      • HB-1318: Honorbuddy is not skinning
        "WoWUnit.CanSkin no-longer checks the skill level since mobs can be skinned at any level now."
      • HB-1345: <Objective> no longer handles "group kill credit" correctly
        "CreatureCacheEntry has been updated to work in WoW 6.0"
      • HB-1373: PerformTradeSkillOn throwing exceptions trying to Enchant
        "Repaired a NullReference exception in PerformTradeskillOn"
      • HB-1381: ProfessionBuddy running AHBuddy just opens and closes the AH frame
        "Vendor frames had been changed to close the frame at the start to ensure the frame is opened at correct NPC.
        Unlike normal Vendors, it does not matter which Auctioneer the bot visits, so its fine to leave an Auctioneer's frame open.
        Thus, we've now made Auctioneers an exception to the Vendor 'close frame' machinery.
        The result is 'Buy Item On AH' and 'Cancel Auction' will no longer close the auction frame on start."
      • HB-1387: InteractWith: Throwing exceptions in attempts to buy items
      • HB-1389: ProfessionBuddy repeatedly opens and closes the Vendor frame
        "'Sell Item' and 'Buy Item' will no longer close the vendor frame on start. This was added to ensure the vendor frame was opened at the correct NPC however it been reverted since this change broke some profiles."
      • HB-1393: Singular throwing IndexOutOfRange exceptions when using PullMore
        "Appears to be bug in code assessing whether an objective within a quest is complete. Fixed in next release of Singular"
      • HB-1394: Herbalism & Mining should ignore level requirements
        "All herbs and minerals will be shown in the Gatherbuddy2 GUI now as there are no required skills anymore."
      • HB-1402: Bgbot Isle of conquest & AV
        "Fixed a bug where the bot may stand still in the start area of IoC."
      • HB-1403: InstanceTimer is using wrong default value
        "InstanceTimer's default value for 'Timer' has been changed to 360000 (6 mins) to agree with WoWserver changes. (was 750000—12.5 mins)."
      • HB-1404: Updated Protected Items.xml
        "Updated ProtectedItems.xml. All bags should now be protected. Added harvestable herb and ore 'pieces'. Several new pets added."

      • This release is not optimized for performance.
        Performance optimizations will be addressed after whittling down the severe bugs in our list of known bugs.

      • The bugs listed here are only a fraction of our bug work load.
        Many bugs we must address are internal, or not for public consumption.
      Last edited: Oct 29, 2014
    3. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      [size=+1]Post dispositions[/size]
      These posts have been archived for the reasons stated here.

      Problem should be resolved in the Support forum

      Using third-party products that have not been updated for pre-WoD
      Once again, we draw your attention to the bright red letters in the first post that are easy to overlook.

      Missing critical information (logs, screenshots, etc.)
      Your post may also be archived "without comment" for this reason. The posts listed here made an effort to report the problem, but the information provided was insufficient to create a bug report (e.g., wrong log, partial log, screenshot needed, etc)

      Didn't check the "Known Issues" list

      Log is not against the current release
      Last edited: Oct 24, 2014
    4. highvoltz

      highvoltz Well-Known Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      Last edited: Oct 24, 2014
    5. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Jordi1104,

      Your log shows your problem is with a third-party product—please contact the author for solutions.


      [size=-2]Ref: Jordi1104's original post w/log[/size]
    6. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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    7. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, StarWash,

      You can find the latest status of bugs here:

      This is all the information that is available. We don't give out ETAs.

    8. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Giwin,

      Until this bug, the Kill-form of <Objective> has always handled 'group kill credit'. But, this only works for the built-in command, and does not extend to quest behaviors.

    9. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Chemical, and thanks for the log.

      This log does not demonstrate the problem. Since that particular bug is supposed to be repaired in .752, we must assume you observed the problem in an older version of Honorbuddy.

      If the problem happens again with .752, and you've got a log of it, we'll be happy to take a look.


      [size=-2]Ref: Chemical's original post w/log[/size]
    10. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, MNC,

      This is a problem with a product you are streaming from the Buddy Store that has not been updated for pre-WoD yet.

      Please disable streaming for all products from the Buddy Store, as described in the first post of this thread. We believe the problem is probably your selected Combat Routine, but not certain.

      Since this problem is not an Honorbuddy bug, but a problem with your installation, please follow up to the Support forum, if you can't figure it out.


      [size=-2]Ref: MNC's log[/size]
    11. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, WTB A Noob, and Psuwannanon and many thanks for those logs.

      The number of work-arounds you have tried to solve the problem are very impressive... Kudos!

      Alas, your problems are instances of:
      • HB-1342: RunLUA causes the WoWclient to close
      I've added your information to HB-1342, and the issue is marked "Critical". But, the workload is very heavy and there are a number of "Critical" issues in the queue.

      Sadly, Kick's profiles are somewhat RunLua heavy, and it would not be practical to comment out the instance you are bumping into at the moment.


      [size=-2]Ref: WTB A Noob's problem report w/logs[/size]
      [size=-2]Ref: Psuwannanon's original post w/log[/size]
      Last edited: Oct 25, 2014
    12. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Sea, and thanks for the logs.

      It appears your Honorbuddy installation is damaged, and I would love to know how it was accomplished.

      Both logs say the same thing:
      [09:45:37.650 D] System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Styx.CommonBot.Routines.ICombatRoutine' from assembly 'Honorbuddy, Version=2.5.11837.752, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=50a565ab5c01ae50'.
      at PureRotation.Managers.HotKeyManager.BotEvents_OnBotStopped(EventArgs args)
      --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
      at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
      at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
      at System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args)
      at Styx.CommonBot.BotEvents.(Delegate , Action`1 , Object[] )
      [09:45:37.651 D] [UserSettings-v1581(debug)] Bot stopping. Original user settings restored as follows...
      Original Settings intact--no changes to restore.

      Honorbuddy doesn't provide an ICombatRoutine interface since the pre-WoD drop. You may have copied something from an old installation on top of .752. The culprit could also be a product you are streaming from the Buddy Store that has not been updated for the pre-WoD drop.

      I'd try disabling the streaming of all Buddy Store products as described in the first post of this thread. If no joy, the second correction attempt would be a 'clean install', also described in the first post of this thread.

      If you can't figure it out, please follow-up to the Support forum, as the problem is most definitely with your installation, and not an Honorbuddy bug.


      [size=-2]Ref: Sea's original post w/logs[/size]
      Last edited: Oct 25, 2014
    13. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Sapcecake, and thanks for the log.

      This is a profile problem, it turns out. In v3528 of the Honorbuddy profile pack, the quest ids for these quests were explicitly changed.

      I'm not certain why, but my guess is the profile has been aligned with WoD (not pre-WoD) "starter zone" changes. I'll try to catch up with Kick, and find out why these changes were made.

      For now, as a work-around, you may have to manually run the Blood Elf 1-5 quests.


      [size=-2]Ref: Sapcecake's original post w/log[/size]
    14. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Gleeky,

      This appears to be how the profile you are running is supposed to operate.


      [size=-2]Ref: Gleeky's original post w/log[/size]
    15. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Sea,

      Again, Honorbuddy no longer provides the ICombatRoutine interface. A product you've got installed is trying to access ICombatRoutine, which no longer exists. This is not a problem with Honorbuddy, nor is it a problem with the Questing profiles you are trying to run. The problem lies in a third-party product.

      If you need help isolating the problem, please follow up to the Support forum, as this is not an Honorbuddy bug.

      Last edited: Oct 25, 2014
    16. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Wuzzery, and many thanks for the log.

      After looking through the log, we could find nothing untoward either. As such, we opened:
      • HB-1380: DungeonBuddy crashes (related to graphics load?)

      The only suggestion we have at the moment, is to install Honorbuddy to someplace other than your Dropbox.


      [size=-2]Ref: Wuzzery's problem report w/log[/size]
    17. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Spy1337, and thanks for the log.

      This is not an Honorbuddy bug, but a problem with your installation. You should do a clean install as described in the first post of this thread.

      If you are unable to resolve the problem, you should follow-up in the Support forum since your problem is not an Honorbuddy bug.


      [size=-2]Ref: Spy1337's original post w/log[/size]
    18. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi again, Gleeky.

      We were able to catch up with Zakanator, and he provided enough details to write up this problem. Against this issue, we've opened:
      • HB-1381: ProfessionBuddy running AHBuddy just opens and closes the AH frame

      Last edited: Oct 25, 2014
    19. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Lancer34,

      Your Singular is throwing all kinds of exceptions indicating a damaged installation of Honorbuddy. The first step to recovery is to do a 'clean install' as described in the first post of this thread.

      If you are unable to get it working properly, please follow up to the Support forum with a fresh log.

      This is not an Honorbuddy bug—the problem is with your Honorbuddy installation.


      [size=-2]Ref: Lancer34's original post w/log[/size]
    20. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Wullie,

      Thank you for all the great details and the logs!

      Against this issue, we've opened:
      • HB-1382: InteractWith: Not defending itself if attacked while trying to interact
      Sadly, we don't know of a work-around for it at this time. Are you by any chance using the ElvUI addon? If so, can you disable it, and see if the problem persists?


      [size=-2]Ref: Wullie's problem report w/log[/size]
      Last edited: Oct 25, 2014
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