Hi, I'm living in Australia and over the last few days I've noticed that during prime-time (1630 to 2300 Aus-time) each night I'm unable to log into HB with via Exetel ISP. Everything else works fine (P2P, browsing, WoW Etc) and no slow-down in internet speed is noticed in general. There's no point attaching the HB log, as it only displays the following: [12:59:51.740 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.12898.768 started. [12:59:56.159 N] Logging in... [12:59:57.093 N] T: 5247286358389397939 H: 1836467625 (although the T: and H: values keep changing between attempts) Note: It was also doing the same with releases .767 and .766. I've tried connecting to my iPhone's hotspot (telstra) and that works fine, I've also tried connecting to my (Optus) prepaid wifi modem and that also works without issue. I assumed that my ISP's traffic isn't reaching the HB auth server at all, but that was disproved when I opened up 6 sessions concurrently (I have a 5 session license) and the sixth session showed the 'Max Session, trying again in 30 secs' error. I even requested a new static IP address from my ISP to no avail. I have created two wireshark traces; one when I get the error, and one when it goes through successfully. Since the HB license key isn't encrypted I won't attach them here, but if Tony or CodenameG want to check them out I'll happily find a way to get them to you guys. I can't interpret them as I don't know HB's network layout, but it does appear that data is sent to/from on successful connection attempts, and it isn't called at all on unsuccessful attempts. Is it safe to say that server is required as part of the authentication process? If so I'll wait for the connection problems to begin again and do a trace route of that IP address and any others you deem important. Any help would be much appreciated. The only far-fetched theory I've got is Australia has an active botnet which is noticeable during prime-time and your firewall blanket bans IPs in a specific range (ie. Exetel) to defend against DDoS attacks.
Logs attached. View attachment 1308 2015-02-20 22.17.txt View attachment 4752 2015-02-20 22.39.txt View attachment 7752 2015-02-20 22.17.txt View attachment 9276 2015-02-20 22.17.txt View attachment 10524 2015-02-20 22.17.txt
[12:17:59.504 N] T: 5247286333212750199 H: 2299502756 that means your getting a reply from the server, but something else is going on. are you sure the key your trying to use is the same one listed on the buddyauth website? are you sure theres no spaces before or after your key? if your sure, try flushing your dns Flush DNS - What's My DNS? reset your host file back to default. How to Reset Hosts File to Default in Windows? - AskVG and try power cycling your home router.
Hi CodenameG, Code is definitely typed in correctly. As I said earlier, it's only at certain times of the day. It's doing it right now again (being lunch-time on Saturday in Australia). I have flushed DNS, and swapped out my modem/router - still having issue on both PC's in my house.
i dont know what to tell you. i know our servers are fine. the only possibility is some router or something out there on the internet messing with things.
No probs, I was able to work around it anyhow - I'll put it down to being with a terrible ISP (being Exetel).