When I hit start to quest in honorbuddy the bot does nothing at all. It loads the profile and then nothing happens. I've redownloaded from zip and installer and it still doesn't work. View attachment 3800 2016-08-06 20.54.txt
use dx9 instead and also check if you have any of the programs listed here http://wiki.thebuddyforum.com/index...ams_that_Interfere_with_BosslandGmbH_Products installed?
Tried with directx9, the bot killed one mana wyrm and then did nothing else. Didn't loot it or continue killing other ones, just stood there. View attachment 2556 2016-08-07 11.01.txt
Hi Sorry to disturb this thread, but i cant make a new one.. I have an issue as well, when i start the autoloader v2, it stops again and say it cant create current.. Look at attachment Reallt hope you can help