Hi all, I'm a returning pvp player and I need to get rid of all the tyrannical gear I still have on multiple characters, but I personally cannot stand doing BG's and that's why I use Honorbuddy. However it feels like the honor grinding process is going very slow right now, so I was wondering if you guys think that blacklisting IoC/AV is worth the longer queue times b/c horde has low winrates on those bgs. Thanks in advance.
I don't know about if it's better or not but I do know that you could blacklist max 2 battleground in WoW GB frame
I always blacklist these 2. They're too slow and take forever, in addition to that I find that no matter what realm or faction I am, I always lose those BGs. VoA and AV are usually the 2 that I blacklist.
It will increase your Honor per Hour rate when you are blacklisting av/ioc and its harder to recognize that you're botting, because in ioc/av you have always 5 other bots running the same path as you do .. so i would recommend it