There is an entire subforum devoted to Rep Profiles, look in there. Heres link:
That's not what I asked, if I wanted a profile I'd get one. What I'm looking for is an answer to my question. We're all gamers/botters here, I'm looking to pick a few brains. Thanks in advance! Possible? Un
I'm not sure if there ARE any Grindable mobs for that Rep. you gain by gaining Rep either Championing w/o a tabard in Heroic Dungeons, A daily quest or 2, and by gaining Rep with The Hand of Vengeance (Forsaken) The Taunka (Taunka) The Warsong Offensive (Primarily Orcs, Tauren, Mag'har and Trolls) The Sunreavers (Blood Elves) ** Courtesy of**
No problem man. If you have the time, just run a few Heroics w/o a tabard. you gain it really fast and if it's on your bot toon, it makes it look more legit. just try not to make friends in the groups. and keep a low profile. ;-) don't want them adding you to friend list and try to talk to you later!