Great bot however i went away to do another quest. Now i have no idea where the bot wants to be to continue where it left off. Any advice as to where or how i can work this out.
This bot is not as intelligent as HB, so I would suggest you leave it to its own devices as far as questing is concerned. That means: dont do quests if you want it to do the leveling for you. If you do quests that it has coded into its profiles, sometimes it can react properly - but often times it fails. If I can make a suggestion, level a Disciple of Magic job (like WHM) first using the bot questing profiles exclusively. This way you can have the bot also do your job quests too, all the way up to 50. Then go for broke with the fate bot on all the other jobs. Thats how I did it, 1 month later - voila 50 on all classes.
Also look into the plugins. I suggest Agil for repairs, Zekken for aoe avoidance, and patrol to keep you fighting during downtime. These have worked great for me... have fun!
Thank you for the advice sir. So what your telling me i should a new char and not touch it untill it hits 50?
Yup exactly, it works best if you start it on a fresh (new) character and is basically 98% hands off, except for certain things you have to do like put on gear or do a dungeon.
The bot will get a mount as soon as it can. This is generally in the mid twenties, as it needs to grind up 2000 GC Seals to purchase the mount.
Thank you for the advice. I managed to get the bot back on course by teleporting around and looking at the profile editor and working out where the bot wanted to be in reference to the map. Zoned in and started the bot. Back on track. I got the mount by waiting for the bot to stop outside a dungeon mawsdragon or soemthing. Went and did some fates with the fate grinder. Got the seals completed the quest for the chocobo and returned to the dungeon. Thus never losing the bots position. now ive been happy thus far with the bot i want to donate. Where can i do this?
Most community developers will have a link in the main post of their profile/combat routine/plugin/botbase. For example, you can find mine in the main post of the Questing Pack: