Hey im having trouble trying to set my window mode rather small as i run a few bots, but every time i click on wow i have to manually drag the screen to scale? was just wondering is there away where the screen will load the same small screen everytime and become large again when of course maximized? Cheers mansellboi
You should be able to manually shrink the size of the window then CTRL+L Click to close then your system should remember the size of the window the next time you open it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Drop lines like the following in your <WoWInstallDir>/WTF/config.wtf file.... SET gxWindow "1" SET gxResolution "600x450" Lots more info here about tuning your config.wtf file... Console variables - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft cheers, chinajade
ok i got this part right now how do i make it that size for every wow window that i open from now on? cheers "At chinajade"
Copy your Config.wtf file to Config-6up.wtf. Right-click on your launching shortcut, and change the "Target:" field to somthing like this... "C:\Games\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe" /config "C:\Games\World of Warcraft\WTF\Config-6up.wtf" If you launch WoW this way, then any changes you make (indirectly by changing settings in the WoWclient) to the WTF file will not be stored for launch next time. This includes your music volume, graphics choices, etc. You must always manually edit the config-6up.wtf file with whatever your preferences may be. cheers, chinajade