Hi all I've just been wondering that when you start levelling a toon on a new realm and don't have anygold to strat your toon with things like: large bags / flying mount / skill to fly in Northhrend and vanilla wow ... what's your strat? cheers for the advice as I struggle quite a bit !
Just started on a new realm myself. I picked up herbs and mining on a DK and set up a bank toon. Did a few auctioneer scans and stuck on a few basic herbs and ores I'd gathered, plus the stuff I got on my bank toon after levelling him to 9. Sold pretty much everything thankfully and managed to also get some items from the AH that vendor for more then they cost. So far I've managed to get flying in Azeroth and cheap mount. I've learnt most of my spells on the DK but not all as I don't have enough money yet! After AV weekend, I'm going to use GB to get herbs and mining up, firstly in Kalimdor then on to Outland. By the time I get to Northrend, I'm hoping to have enough for epic and cold flying. If AV weekend goes well I may try and bypass Northrend but (I haven't checked this) I have a feeling that I have to go there to level the professions. I'm stuck in the blue armour that you end up with at the end of the DK starting zone atm though, that's pretty sucky but at least I don't need anything better in the mean time. I expect I can pick up and equip some Cata greens by the end of AV weekend. Is tough starting on new zone. I have a feeling I'd have been better off just levelling from 1 rather than using a DK but either way it's a fun challenge
I do either Herb / Skinning or Herb / Mining for the extra $$ to start, sell everything to vendor once you get bags (buy bags from vendor), Setup a Toon to mail to which will AH the items / Gbank ... start selling on AH the stacks.. and go from there. Having a Questing profile helps too since you get decent money/gear from quests. good luck.
ok tks for the advice I'll try as you say ... But otherwie nobody just decided to buy some gold to start off? I know it sounds insane to wanna buy some gold to sell some later
i guess, if you want to invest, but that's up to u, it's not hard to bot up 5k to be honest, even starting.
I just started on a new realm and have over 10k at level 70. Wool cloth, Light Leather, and stuff like that sells for a lot. I also sell all blues on AH and can get 50-100g