The current Release will not be updated for 1.2. The new Beta will be made into Release once it's stable after the 1.2 updates are completed. I don't expect a "Release" version to be ready for quite some time though, but it depends on how well the new Beta stuff works out. I'm pretty sure there will be some growing pains in this transition, but that's the nature of things when there's a lot of big changes. For 1.2, we'll have a new API and quite a lot of changes in the way things are done. Almost the entire EB API has been rewritten the past week in preparation of some 1.2 changes. Beta 1.0 already started making big changes to things to make the project better, but more is really needed moving forward based on what is changing with 1.2 and most likely what will keep changing with this game. Expected downtime will most likely be a few days for API compatibility, and then a few days to get a basic grind bot back up and running using the new API. All the new core features of the game won't be supported at once, but will be gradually worked in (as with SotV). I've already talked to Hawker, and people will be credited bot time due to the expected extended downtime for this update, so you don't worry about that.
That should be the last thing people worry about lol. Take your time, I know for sure this bot will be updated lightyears faster then the other so called bots. Vacation time with the money made, Disney land here we come.
Hah. Yeah, I'm always around, constantly reading, just don't post much. Just really started going at PoE again, been away from it for a little while, new patch caught my eye. Been bugging the shit out of Ink for help
just tracking this thread so I know when 1.2 EB is live. good to be back. I have been having fun with Hearthbuddy.. but there is just no market for hearthstone accounts. WIMM