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  • How many bots does Blizzard have running?

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by odarn, Jul 9, 2013.

    1. odarn

      odarn Banned

      Jun 20, 2013
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      The only way for Blizzard to know what they are up against is of course to have bots running 24/4 to see how many get caught, after how long, and what triggered the system. They can't afford to have a whole team looking into it, luckily for us, but they sure have at least one programmer who is, hopefully not full-time, watching sites like this one and running bots the whole time.
      If you were Blizzard, what would you look for?
    2. Keanu

      Keanu Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      - I would check/look after every f*cking offset that maybe used by a bot.
      - I would look after every protected lua function that is used by something else than the actual game.
      - ... (trillions of other possible things to do)

      I seriously have no idea why they are not doing this. There are enough technical possibilities.

      Oh and... you are wrong. They can afford it to have a team of bot hunters.

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