I was debating... Should I level via grind method? I tried this but I thought it might take to long Should I put them both on questing bot? I thought this might be a little suspicious, 2 toons on the exact same quests at the same time. One on questing bot and other kill and receive grants? Might not work Instancebuddy? Queue specific dungeons.. but what would I do during this? Any tips or ideas would be appreciated. *Starting a new server so I have no mains or gold.
5 RAF accounts, leveled together to 15 through questing then straight into dungeonbuddy all the way to 85, or 90 if you so choose. There's about 1000 threads on this subject currently. It's the second most popular topic, right behind ban theorizing. Go look at the success threads section, you'll get all the information you need.
I did a few quests, hit level 10 before i left the starting zone for humans, then grinded out the last 5 levels in westfalls until 15, currently level 79 on both. I also got full heirlooms on both toons.