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  • How to add a quest item drop to a questing profile

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by Sumatro, Nov 17, 2016.

    1. Sumatro

      Sumatro New Member

      Jan 3, 2012
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      Hey guys im writing my very first profile now and got a question. I started with this (Honorbuddy:Levelbot:Questing Starter Profile - The Buddy Wiki) profile and want to add a function that the bot starts the profile with just herbing Fjarnskaggl nodes until it drops the rank 1 quest. I really dont know how to add this cause there is no npc to pickup the quest, just for turning it in. I thought about adding a grind area only filled with the hotspots i want the bot to farm at. But how to add the quest in there? Thanks for advance, hope you guys can help me :)

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