Hello, I originally asked for help here, but I solved my own problem. This is how you make Ferry Skipper work to Umbra Isles for your profiles, for future reference. Thanks. HTML: <?xml version="1.0"?> <Profile> <Name>Complete Hunting Logs</Name> <KillRadius>50</KillRadius> <CodeChunks> <CodeChunk name="AleportFerrySkipper"><![CDATA[ ff14bot.Managers.GameObjectManager.GetObjectByNPCId(1003584).Interact(); await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(2000); if (ff14bot.RemoteWindows.SelectIconString.IsOpen) ff14bot.RemoteWindows.SelectIconString.ClickSlot(2); await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(3000); ff14bot.RemoteWindows.Talk.Next(); await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(2000); if (ff14bot.RemoteWindows.SelectYesno.IsOpen) ff14bot.RemoteWindows.SelectYesno.ClickYes(); await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(10000); ]]></CodeChunk> </CodeChunks> <Order> <TeleportTo name="Aleport" aetheryteId="14" force="true"/> <MoveTo name="Ferry Skipper" xyz="319.6593, -36.325, 351.8744"/> <RunCode name="AleportFerrySkipper"/> </Order> </Profile>
That will work, but if you want to do it without a CodeChunk: Code: <If Condition="not IsOnMap(138)"> <If Condition="Managers.WorldManager.HasAetheryteId(14)"> <TeleportTo Name="Aleport" AetheryteId="14"/> </If> <If Condition="Managers.WorldManager.HasAetheryteId(14)"> <If Condition="Managers.WorldManager.HasAetheryteId(13)"> <TeleportTo Name="Swiftperch" AetheryteId="13"/> </If> </If> </If> <If Condition="IsOnMap(138) and not (IsOnSubMap(461) or IsOnSubMap(173) or IsOnSubMap(228))"> <UseTransport Name="Ferry Skipper" InteractDistance="3.0" DialogOption="2" NpcId="1003584" XYZ="317.4333, -36.325, 352.8649"/> </If>
Thanks y2krazy. Is there any benefit over doing it in XML VS the code chunk? I just made the hunting log profile and I am using the code chunk instead.
Either way is sufficient - I just try to limit reliance on CodeChunks. The snippet I provided also has zone/teleport checks, so if you want all that, you can just replace the line with UseTransport with RunCode.