How can I improve the bot for my mech mage deck What settings would you recommend and how can I get the bot to play smart by: not fireballing my own cards, playing around secrets and using spare parts. Also it didnt play any cards turn 1 and 2 when 2x mana wyrms and cogmaster were available, the opponent had cogmaster on the board. Thanks.
I believe the bot didnt use wyrm due to cogmaster was out already, as the opponent would play a mech minion to obtain +2 attack to the cogmaster and ofcourse to kill the wyrm which would be a waste for you. The bot is set to Defensive/Control the board before headin to face (when necessarily). The bot did its job to say. If you however want more "rush"/offensive bot, you will need to change in the confiq from behaviorControl to behaviorRush (Theres few examples on the forum about this)