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    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by Sorbooze, Jan 18, 2015.

    1. Sorbooze

      Sorbooze New Member

      Aug 11, 2014
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      I previously used a bot for hearthstone that was much much more configurable using the GUI and honestly seemed to make the right plays way more than me.

      This bot seems to make very uninformed decisions and have little knowledge or strategy at all.

      Is this a problem with the program just being undertuned to use my CPU or just a lack of code to accurately make these predictions? I have a very very good CPU with a lot of free processing power to use. I was wondering if I could allocate more to make the bot smarter.

      It is just small things, a plethora of small things, like when a shade has been stealthed long enough to warrant an attack based on value, when to use mirror entity on mage, or just simple decisions when a trade to the face or board control is proper.

      I am very grateful to have this bot and appreciate everything the devs are doing. Just curious as to why there is such a large gap between the last bot I used, which honestly would make better plays than me (rank ~9 or 10 player), and this one.

    2. BLM

      BLM Member

      Jun 14, 2012
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      I saw the same problem.
      Until you use strong deck, without a lot of spells but full of "solid" cards with a lot of life and taunts, at rank 20 you do well (85% - 90% victory).

      But if you let bot play Arena (without let him chose cards) he have ZERO strategy.
      I watched him play around 5 Arenas, and bot do very stupid things, like clear board instead attach hero and close match in 2 turns (i guess bot attack hero if there is cards in the board only if he can finish him) and a lot more (like use chain of buffs on minions, or use "do 2 damage" spells on 1/1 minions and so on).

      The IA that bot use now it's usefull for farming, but totally useless for Arena plays or for improving yourself.
      I don't know if they changed something, but i feel like the old Silverfish was like 20x time better
    3. Sorbooze

      Sorbooze New Member

      Aug 11, 2014
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      Hearthcrawler was prime. This just feels pathetic using anything but rank 20 concedes, which a lot of people are convinced increases the chance of a ban.
    4. dirin

      dirin Member

      May 16, 2014
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      The Default AI Is Silverfish, which before in the older version you could modify the values in the INI file so that your CPU would take longer to make a more informed decision. I'm not able to find that in this version so I think it's currently set at making a fast decision so it looks more like a human player rather than a calculated bot. They also just implemented this newer version of the bot so give it a little bit more time and we'll be able to get the AI in tip top shape with addons and all that good stuff when more development hits. :D

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