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  • How to report a bug/error/issue

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Tony, Oct 14, 2011.

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    1. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      The right place to report your bug/error/issue is our Support Issues section

      We want from you the best description of the bug/error/issue


      your log as attachment

      Below you can find a guide about how you can attach your log

      Step 1. Locating your log files
      • Browse to your HB folder
      • Inside your HB folder it you will find a folder called Logs

      Step 2. Finding the most recent log file
      • The log files are names by date, eg 23-06-2011 Log.txt
      • Find the most recent log file and attach it to your post.

      Step 3. Attaching the log file to your post

      This step may vary depending on your personal settings. In order to attach a log file you need to be in 'Advanced View' when posting.

      When you are posting a message, in the bottom right of your post you will see a button that says Go Advanced. Click this, it will show more options and allow you to attach a your log file.

      In Advanced view you will see the below toolbar. Click the paper click icon (highlighted).

      Step 4. Adding your files

      You will now have another window on screen, in the upper right corner click the Add Files button, another window will appear, click the Select Files button.

      Step 5. Browse to your log files

      Browse to your HB Logs folder and click select the most recent log file, click the Open button. Now click the Upload Files button.

      Many thx to Fpsware for the guide
      Last edited: Feb 14, 2013
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