I lost an account to "gold selling" or whatever their reason was 2 years ago. I tried to appeal it but had no luck. I was wondering if any of you have ever had any luck unbanning old accounts and what method you used (email, call, etc.)
I have tried it, but it diden't work... though my account was banned permanently for selling gold and at the same time they closed my account my character was underground speedhack botting So i guess my case is pretty extreme. But i still think it's not very likely, especialy is you mailed them trying to unban it before. Aaaaand last but not least, do NOT use an unban service. They do not increese your chance of getting your account back. Try to send a mail and see what happens
When dealing with Blizzard never use their email or trouble ticket method. Always use the phone and when they tell you no always become very irritated. This is a social engineering technique used to target soft individuals. You could type your email in all caps but hitting the deny button after reading a message is still non-confrontational. Getting angry at an employee, while you have to feel out the target to see what level you need to be one, creates a confrontation that has to be resolved immediately. Most times they won't even contact their supervisor if you do it right and just unban your account. The theory behind this is basically that due to the current level of American School Systems people have been taught to get along and try to be friends with everyone while avoiding all confrontation from a very young age for many years now. Now that this hippie system has thoroughly integrated itself into Corporate America you can exploit their inexperience in an environment that you can control. However if they do contact their supervisor, you can attempt to use it on him, however his position puts him in that situation a lot more often that your regular customer service representative.
I don't know if it helps but the email attached to the account I no longer have access too, I have moved twice since it happened, and I haven't gotten any bans on any other accounts under my name. I know calling will usually net you a better chance which is why I'm debating on calling and acting like I bought Cata, played it for a little bit, and then stopped because I didn't like it. Pretending I had no idea I was even banned and that I wanted to come back for Mists and saw the account was gone! It's unlikely but I've been thinking about this for months. I really would like the acc back but I'm a bit new to this.
Pretend like you stopped playing before you got banned and then you saw MoP and wanted to play again.