how to use my own card .... i have to trick : i start a ladder and when it's searching i'll start the bot but i don't know exactly how to name my custom deck or what to use to play with my own cards automatically only basics seems work and play 1 game by 1 ( when i start only when ladder is searching ) ty for your help i make my own reasearch but i don't understand well !
[TournamentScene] [TournamentScene_DeckPicker] Showing Custom Decks [TournamentScene_DeckPicker] The desired deck is not selected. Now attempting to select it. [TournamentScene_DeckPicker] The desired custom deck was not found. [Stop] Now requesting the BotThread to stop.
take a look on this guide plz
i read the beginner guide!!! how can i name a deck ... i make a deck cache and 2 files are on custom deck but original name and modified name don't work in honor buddy i see nowhere on this guide how to name a deck for use it hearthbuddy Exemple : I have My private deck - i don't know how and where name it in Honorbuddy i can't choose it ( i can't name it ) and i have to manually start and wait end because it's stop every game ( HB don't find my deck name ) so pelase juste explain me ... how to name a deck simply ! it's not just type a name in right of customclass in hearthbuddy and i don't find in the guide !
when i do like you say it : [TournamentScene] [TournamentScene_DeckPicker] Showing Custom Decks [TournamentScene_DeckPicker] The desired deck is not selected. Now attempting to select it. [TournamentScene_DeckPicker] The desired custom deck was not found. [Stop] Now requesting the BotThread to stop.
in defaut boy Difficulty : Normal Decktype : Custom basicdeck : hunter custom deck ( deck type custom ) : Hunter ( or blanck or Hunter1 or Hunter2 ) = [Stats] Start [GameEventManagerOnQuestUpdate] [GameEventManagerOnQuestUpdate] Victoire du druide ou du voleur: Gagner 2 matchs avec un druide ou un voleur. (0 / 2) [40x GOLD] [GameEventManagerOnQuestUpdate] Maître des sorts: Lancer 40 sorts. (14 / 40) [40x GOLD] [HandleNewQuests] Now clicking to close the "Quest Log" screen. [IsClientInUsableState] SceneMgr.IsTransitioning. [IsClientInUsableState] !SceneMgr.IsSceneLoaded. [DefaultBotSettings] NeedsToCacheQuests = True. [HubScene] [HubScene] The bot needs to cache quests. Now clicking on the "Quest Log" button. [HubScene] [HandleQuests] [GameEventManagerOnQuestUpdate] [GameEventManagerOnQuestUpdate] Victoire du druide ou du voleur: Gagner 2 matchs avec un druide ou un voleur. (0 / 2) [40x GOLD] [GameEventManagerOnQuestUpdate] Maître des sorts: Lancer 40 sorts. (14 / 40) [40x GOLD] [HubScene] Now clicking to close the "Quest Log" screen. [DefaultBotSettings] NeedsToCacheQuests = False. [HubScene] [HubScene] Now clicking on the "Solo Adventures" button. [IsClientInUsableState] SceneMgr.IsTransitioning. [IsClientInUsableState] Box.IsBusy. [AdventureScene] [AdventureScene_AdventureChoosingMode] The selected adventure is NAXXRAMAS using mode CLASS_CHALLENGE and we want to use adventure PRACTICE using mode NORMAL. [AdventureScene_AdventureChoosingMode] Entraînement PRACTICE False [AdventureScene_AdventureChoosingMode] Now clicking on the "Entraînement" button. [AdventureScene] [AdventureScene_AdventureChoosingMode] Now clicking on the "Choisir" button. [AdventureScene] [AdventureScene_PracticeDeckPicker] Showing Custom Decks [AdventureScene_PracticeDeckPicker] The desired deck is not selected. Now attempting to select it. [AdventureScene_PracticeDeckPicker] The desired custom deck was not found. [Stop] Now requesting the BotThread to stop. [Stats] Stop [DefaultBotSettings] PracticeDeckType = Basic. [DefaultBotSettings] PracticeDeckType = Custom.