Long time lurker. Never posted before this. I'm running 3 bots in LFG 5-man instances: tank, healer, DPS and usually get instant pops. I watch them very closely to make sure they're inconspicuous, and I chat with other players on numerous toons to waylay suspicion. So one time, this DPS was bitching about the fact that we didn't battle res (druid spell Rebirth) him during a fight. No big deal. I ignored his QQ'g. Then he accuses 2 of my 3 bots, the tank and healer (but NOT my DPS toon), of being bots. I asked him why he'd say such a thing and he said it seems like we're bots because we wouldn't respond to his QQ'g. By this time, the other random stranger in our 5-man, also a DPS, is getting peeved at the whiner and typed in chat, "im a bot." Heh. I didn't respond but we kicked the cry baby from the group. The next day I'm running my 3-man team again. My 3 bots + 2 random strangers, and on this pop we get the cry baby again. He said "sup" and then said "its the bots again." I said it's weird he would say that, and to prove his point he pointed out that all 3 of my toons have only 2 talents selected. I asked if it bothered him and he said, "yeah. i know your bots. its all right." I didn't respond, but after we finished the instance he said he was reporting me and left the group.
He/she probably bots as well. I wouldn't be that worried, I've had this happen a couple times, Just don't let the bots do anything that will piss people off enough to report you.