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    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Forum' started by 666, Nov 12, 2014.

    1. 666

      666 New Member

      Aug 22, 2013
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      I am considering to purchase this bot. I would like to know what is the state of the bot as we speak? Is it properly working for all it advert? Anything broken right now or its top notch?

      Lot of free routines can be found for most it offer?

    2. Wheredidigo

      Wheredidigo Community Developer

      Dec 15, 2013
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      Looking at what is advertised here: Rebornbuddy - Fatebot, PVPBot, Grindbot, Gatherbot and Raidbot for FF14: A Realm Reborn

      As for your question about free Routines, there are a few. Don't expect to see as many as HonorBuddy has and the first thing you'll want to do is get a Routine to replace Kupo(the one that comes with the bot) as Kupo is REALLY lacking.

      A lot of people use Magitek (https://www.thebuddyforum.com/rebornbuddy-forum/combat-routines/179314-magitek-strong.html) but that Routine isn't actively being supported anymore.

      Kupper (https://www.thebuddyforum.com/rebornbuddy-forum/combat-routines/185031-kupper-demo-testing.html) is another Routine, but it doesn't support every class/job.

      RebornCo (https://www.thebuddyforum.com/rebornbuddy-forum/combat-routines/185787-rebornco-coroutine-alternative.html) is another Routine, but it also doesn't support every class/job.

      Endus (A user here on the forums) is working on another Routine, but it's not quite done yet.

      The above will probably be where you'll want to look for a Routine. If you have an idea of what class/job you are going to bot with, it'd be easier to point you to the Routine you'd want to use.

      Hope this has been helpful.

      lordofthereef likes this.
    3. lordofthereef

      lordofthereef New Member

      Jul 16, 2014
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      I can confirm it also works with windows 8.1

      Magitek has taken up support by another dev (or group of them). I haven't used it extensively. I can say that it seems to work well with summoner. The only other class I have run the bot on recently is Ninja. Kupper was good enough to get me to 50. I wouldn't use it (yet) in a raid environment since there are a few kinks to work out. It's come a long way though and the dev is currently actively working on it.

      I agree with everything posted above :)
      Last edited: Nov 12, 2014
    4. Wheredidigo

      Wheredidigo Community Developer

      Dec 15, 2013
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      The dev who took up support of Magitek was Ichiba, but Ichiba decided to create Kupper, so he's actively working on Kupper now and has said that his support of Magitek will be limited at best. I don't know if anyone else has picked up support of it since then.
    5. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      My routine, rebornCo, is still in very early beta >_>

      I'm still working on a lot of core things (need to expand movment checks and still even messing with my combo system, now that I found out doaction reports false positives) but I'm always looking for testers XD
    6. Xotrem

      Xotrem Member

      May 20, 2014
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      He might intend Kupper to replace Magitek altogether...that would be super awesome.
    7. minibotter80

      minibotter80 New Member

      Dec 12, 2014
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      edit: dont bother tbh, waste of time/money, there are others out there.
      Last edited: Dec 15, 2014
    8. PureFresh

      PureFresh Member

      Nov 10, 2014
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      i guess this is a good thread to post my question in ::

      which BOT // profile can i use for ::
      RELIC quests (( the 9 books ))
      i'm sure it has been asked before
      and maybe you guys got the link to it.

      a BOT / profile that kills the 100 enemies, and does the FATEs required.

      i can do the dungeons by myself
      is just that waiting for "GIANTS SEPS" for hours is killing me :) ^^

      thanks in advance.
    9. Azoth

      Azoth Member

      Mar 6, 2014
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      You can set Fatebot to only do one specific named fate. Just park your character in a safe place close to where it spawns and let it run for a couple of hours.
      A profile that kills the 100 required mobs should be possible to make with orderbot, but orderbot profiles are very limited since there's no gui profile creator, most people can't code, and even if you can they're still annoying to create.

      In terms of the op's question, this bot works fine for basic gathering/grinding/fateing. The default combat routine is hilariously horrible, but there's really good community created ones that are easy to customize with some basic knowledge. Biggest obvious missing feature is probably crafting.
      The main draw of this bot, imo, is the price. You can get a lifetime sub for relatively cheap, while other bots that may have features like crafting and more advanced profiles have monthly subs. Even if you do use another bot, there's little reason not to pick up RB for the things that it does easier/better.
    10. minibotter80

      minibotter80 New Member

      Dec 12, 2014
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      @Azoth actually im agreeing with you, after trying out some more stuff with the bot (initially i was pleased with the gathering stuff) its pretty much incomplete except that, the combat routines are poor, none actually work for everything, there should be one overall not several u have to hunt out then download and replace this or that file to find it doesnt work anyways. I think what was a deal breaker for me was to read in the forums they are going to implement a proper cr but it will be a seperate bill for each class...pfff... seriously if it was a free bot then maybe but to be asked to buy/sub and they have to pay for the actual stuff u need for it to work too?! i think not, there are others out there that ARE complete. im not entirely sure it warrants 5 quid a month just for gathering stuff.
    11. Azoth

      Azoth Member

      Mar 6, 2014
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      The model behind all buddybots is that the developers will create the framework, then leave the community to make specific routines or profiles. Granted, this works a lot better when there's a large, active community like with Honorbuddy, and less so when its just a few overworked, volunteer devs like here or Exilebuddy.
      I disagree pretty strongly on the combat routine aspect however.
      First, it is literally an unzip/extract to get a new routine (although I will grant that you have to grab one additional file hidden in the thread for magitek, since its an abandoned routine).
      Second, the routines here are very powerful. Other bots that provide gui routine creators are limited by the gui in the conditions it can use. Routines here may be more difficult to create, but they're much more versatile in deciding ability usage. Besides, the work is already done for you in routines like Kupper and Ultima, although it wouldnt hurt to have some basic programming knowledge so you can make minor tweaks.
      Third, while there may have been some comments made about microtransaction features, to my knowledge nothing like that has actually happened. You can, ofc, donate to support the devs whose work you're using, but thats optional, and nowhere are you required to pay aside from subscription. On that note, I feel like you're doing something wrong if you're paying month by month, unless you're not planning to play for long. As I mentioned earlier, one of the big draws of buddybots is the lifetime sub, which few other (major) bots offer. I've been using RB for the better part of a year, and while certainly I wish it could do more, in terms of the cost its paid for itself many times over.
    12. exaccuss

      exaccuss Active Member

      Nov 10, 2013
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      While it is true that this bot does not have as many advanced features or a a lot of coders working on it currently, the CR's are really top notch. Ultima is one example of this. A LOT of hard work has gone into that, and you just have to look at the DRG routine to see an example of that. The main reason I choose this bot (over another bot, which will remain nameless) is the auto facing support and fantastic routines.

      I hope in the future we can see more advanced tanking logic for defensive cooldowns.
    13. Neverdyne

      Neverdyne Community Developer

      Sep 12, 2014
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      I agree, this bot can do things that other bots I've tried simply cannot. The strongest thing in its favor is the nav mesh in my opinion. If only there was crafting API support, I could stop using the crappy autoit scripts to mass craft stuff. The minute crafting support is added to the API I'll sure as hell start making a botbase for it.

      I've been thinking of making a tanking routine since my main is a Paladin. The problem I'm seeing is that in most fights defensive cooldown usage is specific to the encounter's mechanics, so if you wanted to make a "does it all for you" routine for tanks you'd need encounter specific logic, which can get kinda hard to maintain. I don't know how best to work that out.
      Last edited: Dec 18, 2014
    14. exaccuss

      exaccuss Active Member

      Nov 10, 2013
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      I'm no coder, but could the bot read the battle log at all? Ie if the routine detects death sentence is about to happen/is been cast then use a relevant CD? That's just what i would like to happen anway LOL.
    15. Xotrem

      Xotrem Member

      May 20, 2014
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      Let the user decide when to use those long cooldowns, if they don't know then they need to get better at the game.
    16. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      The bot can not yet read log data.

      I'm still new to the game and haven't started raiding in reborn. However, most of those events should be detectable with a combination of casting data, objects and timers.

      Like Neverdyne said, it would have to be scripted to the raid/encounter.

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