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  • Huolon tag & stealth afk profile (for mount)

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by Thinkipi, Oct 13, 2014.

    1. Thinkipi

      Thinkipi New Member

      Oct 13, 2014
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      I was wondering how difficult it would be, if there isn't already a profile for my specific need, to have a bot just afk in stealth close to the graveyard where Huolon is usually killed, and tag him when he spawns for farming the mount.

      I've got to have killed him at least 80 times manually checking up on him in between battleground and arena's.

      It could be sick if I could leave my rogue their overnight to farm him a bit while I'm away from the PC.

      His respawn is between 30 - 60 minutes and due to the high-pop on my server, he is always killed within 30 seconds anyways so a simple tag & loot would be excellent.

      The graveyard is even right next to where he dies, so going to loot him after a potential death should make this "imagined" profile I have in my head,technically easy(?) to do

      Does anything like this exist already? Could someone fix a profile? I'm dying for that mount, blizzard is just trolling me by now.

      I imagine such a simple yet effective profile to gain lots of popularity, so the extra glory for any takers is a nice opportunity :D
      Last edited: Oct 13, 2014

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